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TFL Painting Challenge: First Update on New Site (and it's a Biggie!)

It seems hard to believe that the below are only a week's worth of entries for the painting challenge...but they are!

So, today we have achievements from:

  • Dave Bailey, with a host of 15mm infantry for the French Indian Wars
  • Benito with some more Afrika Korp
  • Jon Yuengling returns to the fray with more ships and aircraft
  • Jason Ralls is also back in action with a large, if mixed, bunch of entries that takes him smashing past the 2,000 points mark
  • Craig Ambler pops in some Napoleonics
  • Matt Slade submits WoR infantry, some knights, vikings and Normans in a big entry that takes him well past the 2,500 point mark
  • Alexandros adds some Bren Carriers and an M3 Half-track in 28mm to his total
  • Wulf Corbett (now spelt correctly!) adds some more Fortune & Glory figures
  • And finally the Mad Padre chimes with some ACW foot and a smashing German WW2 checkpoint set (that I have counted as a building)

Congrats to all the above...and all your galleries are updated if, in some cases, not yet titled and pointed properly.

Two pictures today: an alternative shot of the Mad Padre's checkpoint (I'm sure I recognise the munching German); and some of Matt's Vikings.