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TFL Painting Challenge: The Last Day - Update 01

Some huge entries coming in as people suddenly realise that the deadline is upon them!

In the first of today's updates, we have:

  • John de Terre Neuve with an extraordinary catch-up entry, some of which dates back to March, that sends him straight over the 500 point mark with a very nice collection of 20mm and 28mm figures and vehicles
  • Proving that anything is possible at the last minute, Kohn submits his first entry for 2014: some 20mm tanks
  • Ralph Plowman adds to his total with some mounted sergeants
  • And the Mad Padre empties his sleeves with a big 15mm painting entry and a colossal 6mm re-basing project that takes him straight and well over the 1,000 point mark

Ideally I'd like to picture all the entries here, but I'm afraid you'll have to look at the individual galleries as there are just too many pics for a post. Here, however, is one of JdTN's entries, and one (just one!) of the Mad Padre's re-basing shots: