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TFL Painting Challenge: Big Monday

Lots of lovely entries today: everyone's obviously been hard at work over the weekend!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Oodles of figures from Jason Ralls
  • And from Matt Slade, who also becomes the first person in 2015 to break the 500 point mark
  • Treadhead submits a platoon of US infantry for CoC
  • Mr Douglas puts in some pikemen
  • Mr Helliwell some anti-tank guns
  • New entrant Sapper submits loads of stuff
  • Mr Luther comes back for more
  • Mr Baldwin, of tractor-country fame, submits some very nice 28mm figures for Sharp Practice and Muskets & Tomahawks
  • And finally newbie Mr John Michael pops in some nice Westwind figures

There are two pictures today. One is of Mr Baldwin's Companie de la Marine; the other is Treadhead's platoon commander. Lovely work!