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TFL Painting Challenge: Monday Night Update

Some very nice submissions this week. In no particular order, we have:

  • Keith Davies with some 20mm figures for CoC
  • Mervyn Douglas gets some Afghans in 
  • Steve Burt finishes off his Napoleonics
  • Koen sends in a host of Desert Rats and DAK
  • Kev pops in another twenty Gladiators
  • Mr Ralls posts from sunny Devon with some 15mm armour and some bigger zombies
  • Stephen Miller make a welcome return with some exquisitely painted figures
  • and Sapper submits his new 10thC Western Turk army

A couple of pictures from Mr Miller:

Renaissance Gun Emplacement for French Italian Wars

Warlord 28mm 88mm AT "behind cover"

And the next submission will be mine: a host of Egyptian Army T-55s for my Six Day War project...once I've finished basing them!