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TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Update

Things are certainly hotting up as we draw to the end of another year's challenge.

Today's entries are from:

  • A first entry of the year from Mr Skelton, proving that it is never too late to enter!
  • Now under full steam, Koen smashes in another series of submissions
  • Messrs Yuengling and Luther fill in a few gaps in their galleries
  • Lloyd adds in some more WOTR figures and teases us with a test figure for his next project
  • and finally Mr Duffell sends in some more WW2 28's

Today's pics? As it's almost Christmas, you get three today: it's got to be the Hat's command stand with hand-painted banner, and then Andy's 28's, and then one of Koen's entries.

Plenty of time for everyone to get their entries in BTW. This year's challenge doesn't end until midnight on the 31st. Come on! Get to it!