Vis Lardica

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TFL Painting Challenge: Good Friday, Good Update

Sorry that there's been nothing from me for a couple of days: real life getting in the way of anything else. Worked in the office until 10.30pm last night: so add in commuting time and you're talking a 17-hour day!

Anyhoo, onto today's submissions:

  • First up, we have Treadhead with some lovely 28mm vehicles and a fort
  • Mr Naylor submits some teeny tiny trees and markers
  • Steve Burt has finished some 28mm Skraelings, but rather than send me pictures of them, has sent me a picture of his cat. There are two jokes I want to make here, neither of which I'm going to!
  • Mr Bowler, who has apparently and somewhat disappointingly never worn one, has finished more of his terrific ACW 1/600 buildings and fortifications, including a great big fort
  • Ashley pops in a spaceship
  • Andrew Helliwell is back with some more 15mm Soviets
  • Joakim submits a colossal entry of big Dust troops and 28mm horror stuff
  • and Mr Slade has some casualties

There are two pictures today. First up are Mr Treadhead's US vehicles in 28mm:

And secondly, and terribly predictably, here's Steve's cat: