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TFL Painting Challenge "Cold Sunday" Update

Not a bad little update this week: quite a few of you taking a rest from Thanksgiving and spending all your money in the Black Friday and CyberMonday sales to send in your entries!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Sapper with some Seven Years War figures
  • Carol with a couple of ACW artillery pieces and limbers
  • Matt Slade with a mass of late medieval types
  • Andy Duffell with a mix of 28mm WW2 vehicles and Feudal archers
  • Mr Luther fills in some of his gaps, and adds almost 200 6mm infantry
  • Mervyn enters some pirates to, as he puts it, "get the party started"
  • Mr Helliwell adds to his Tudors, and continues the Roman rehabilitation
  • And Steve Burt sends in some more Carthaginians

Today's pictures are from Messrs Duffell, Luther and Slade.

An Andy Duffell M5 Stuart

Some of Mark Luther's cavalry in action

Some of Mr Slade's Sergeants