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TFL Painting Challenge: Unprecedented Second Update!

Well this is a first for this year: so many new entries into the painting challenge that I have had to do a second update this week or run the risk of getting too far behind!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Carole with, you guessed it, yet more Confederates
  • Matt Slade with some wagons and some truly impressive Prussians, all for Sharp Practice 2, released this weekend
  • The Mad Padre, with some 6mm cavalry
  • Mr Plowman, with more 15mm aliens and three strangely familiar 28's
  • Jason Ralls bursts back into life with a large and mixed entry
  • Richard Naylor posts some trees, lots of trees
  • Steve Burt continues to build his Ancients
  •  Andrew Duffell also gets back into the swing of thing with some 28's, including a very nice tank
  • and finally Mervyn makes his regular contribution: more Ancients

That would be a big update even if it weren't the second this week. Makes me quite jealous...and determined to finish the four units/buildings I have on the painting table!

Today's pictures? See below...

just some of Matt's beautiful Prussians

The Mad Padre's 6mm cavalry

Andy's tank (he only sent in the rear view!)

Ralph's Xar...who have me reaching for the 'buy now' button on the GZG website!

Jason's WW2 German artillery: also something that belongs in MY collection!