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TFL Painting Challenge: Big Update

Good work on the brush front: plenty of entries coming in every week. Here's a large one from after the bank holiday:

  • "I Am Bruce" is back, with a collection of Arthurian figures
  • Kev "Fat Wally" adds to his ECW collection
  • Matt Slade goes all LOTR, with a side order of chips
  • Egg has gone moderns-mad, sending in forty 15mm AFVs
  • Steve Burt enters some more Egyptians and some farm animals
  • Mr Plowman takes a break from his exquisite sci-fi figures and sends in some walls
  • Andrew Helliwell rescues more Soviets from the flea market
  • and finally Chris Stoesen pops in some infantry...and an outhouse to take care of their baser needs

A couple of the usual suspects for today's pictures:

Some of Egg's lovely moderns

Kev's Parliamentarian Dragoons