Vis Lardica

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Painting Challenge: Update

Entries have slackened off at the end of August: hence the fact that this is the first update for some time. So, come on, get those brushes moving: still plenty of time to beat last year's total before Christmas!

Today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mervyn sends in some Fallschirmjaegers and some Babylonians
  • Mr Naylor pops in some 6mm Soviets
  • Andy Duffell showcases a couple of very nice 28mm vehicles
  • Kev has his usual cornucopia of English Civil War units
  • A mixed bag from Mr Helliwell: Germans, mounted knights, Soviets...
  • Steve Burt build a 4Ground store
  • and last, and by no means least, in every sense of the phrase, is Mr Slade: with a mass of Martians

Not a bad haul!

Today's pics are below:

Andy Duffell's superb Vickers carrier in 28mm

Mr Slade's Martian marketplace

And Mr Helliwell's knights

Mervyn's Fallies