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TFL Painting Challenge: Huge Fourth Update!

I can't remember the Challenge ever starting off so busy. Entries are flooding in, and I might have to move to doing updates more than once a week!

So, today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Sapper, with no less than three entries spanning three different eras: Napoleonics, modern MBTs and some Anglo-Saxon warriors
  • Steve Burt carries on up the Congo, with the mandatory bearers and a leopard that has definitely changed its spots
  • John Haines, new this year, has already sent in his second entry: some individually painted AWI Militiamen
  • Newbie Old Pivot is going to be playing Sharp Practice in 54mm: here is a group of his British Rifles
  • Jon Yuengling sends in his first entry of the year: some British WW2 minis in 15mm and a quartet of pulp figures
  • The weekly massive entry from Matt Slade: Hasslefree barbarians and bad guys of both the male and female variety
  • WillieB also makes a welcome return with two brigades of Sepoys for Sharp Practice Indian Mutiny: large numbers of lovely figures
  • The Mad Padre calls for the Mounties...and a moose
  • Carole sends in some terrain from Ironclad Miniatures
  • Keith Davies racks up some recce elements for his WW2 Brits
  • Andy Duffell has three 28mm Opel Blitzs for us to admire
  • and last, but definitely not least, Egg presents us with some more Cold War British vehicles...loving these!

So a huge number of entries today, so lots of pictures:

Just a few of Matt's barbarians: mine are okay, but I don't fancy yours!

Just some of WillieB's Sepoys

Check out his gallery to see the rest

Old Pivot's 54mm Riflemen

Egg's Cold War colation

Sapper's Napoleonic collection

Andy's Blitzs