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TFL Painting Challenge: Mid-Week Update

The publicity I gave the Challenge at the weekend seems to have worked nicely: enough entries to warrant an update already, and it's only Thursday. This includes a new entrant, Steven Lampon, showing that it's never to late to join the Challenge!

So, in no particular order, here are today's entries:

  • Steven Lampon is new to the Challenge, but opens with an impressive 668 point entry featuring some gorgeously painted figures
  • Lloyd "The Hat" Bowler returns: taking a break from his Romans with some tangential 1/600 ships. Beautiful.
  • The man-machine that is Matt Slade visits Middle Earth and Faerie: a mix of figures from the maestro
  • Ed Bowen sends in American War of Independence goodies
  • There's more re-basing from Mr Hodge
  • Andy Duffell submits some houses for the table's edge
  • And last, but by no means least, Carole is still in Darkest Africa

As usual, clicking on the name of the person will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window). I'm updating this before work today, so the Scorecard won't be refreshed until tonight.

Here are today's pictures:

Some lovely Carthaginian types from Mr Lampon's first entry

Very clever: table's edge terraced houses

Charlie Foxtrot, submitted by Andy Duffell

1/600 paper ships from Warartisans, built by The Hat