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TFL Painting Challenge: Update Number Five

Apologies for the slight lateness of this update: two games of Six Nations rugby to watch. A great performance from the Scots (really good to see them actually win a game after all the heart and soul they put into their play) and a scrappy victory for England that takes their winning streak to fifteen.

Now, on to today's no particular order, we have:

  • Andrew Helliwell with, as he says, yet more Thirty Years War figures in 15mm
  • John Haines is in a last of the Mohicans Mood: AWI Woodland Indians
  • Mr Luther returns with a large 1/72 entry for his Burma 44/45 project
  • Chris Kay pops in another eight Napoleonic Brits
  • Mr Naylor rebases for Chain of Command
  • Derek Hodge also sends in his first entry of the year: four rather lovely Mediterranean looking buildings
  • Carole sends in two, contrasting entries: houses and barns...and hover tanks
  • Steve Burt is still in the Congo
  • Matt Slade sends in his usual enormous submission: the 95th Rifles and a horde of Dark Age warriors
  • The Mad Padre has a singleton Pasha, a brace of barbarians, and a trio of German AFVs to share
  • And last, but by no means least, Mervyn is still in Middle Earth with some Gondorians and some goblins

Today's pictures are below...

The Mad Padre's AFVs

Carole's hover tanks

John Haines' Woodland Indians

I'm off to the painting table myself now!