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TFL Painting Challenge: Big Update

It looks as if we have all been very busy over the last week or so: there have certainly been lots of entries for the Painting Challenge.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Carole with some fantastic dungeon scatter terrain pieces

  • Travis with some more AWI figures

  • More Gladiators from Lloyd

  • Mr Helliwell starts a new SYW force

  • There are Star Wars and Zombies from Chris Kay (now there’s an idea…)

  • Ken sends in a mixture of figures and scales, including two slightly naughty pieces (shock, horror!)

  • Despite swearing never to paint another Napoleonic, Mervyn sends in some more…plus a few Middle Earth types

  • World War II Soviets and Nazis from Chris Cornwall

  • And last, but by no means least, more Soviets from Ralph Plowman

As always, clicking on the name of the person above will take you straight through to their gallery.

Keep them coming: we’re in the final quarter of this year’s challenge now.

Also, don’t worry if you’ve submitted nothing so far this year (Geoff, Cabey Cabey, Jim, Mr Clarke, Keith, Koen, Garrett, Chris, Dave, Craig, the Mad Padre, Andrew, Richard, Thomas, Old Pivot, Ashley, David, Brian and Willie B): there’s still plenty of time to get painting and photographing and join the thirty-two of your fellow Lardies who have registered some points.

Here are today’s pictures: