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TFL Painting Challenge: A Monday Update? Ridic!

Yes, it's a Monday update to the Challenge: occasioned by heavy traffic over the weekend!

In no particular order we have:

  • Chris Cornwell, painting early war Germans for the Wargames Holiday Centre
  • Mr Helliwell with the last of his medievals (didn't he say that last time?) and some ECW
  • A bit of WW1 with some lovely figures from Blue Moose Ken
  • Egg bangs in the support for his Bundeswehr
  • It's Caeser adsum iam forte* from the Hat: Romans galore
  • Travis sends in his final Japanese squad, and some houses
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Plowman has some WW2 Romanians for us to see. Very nice.

As always, clicking on the name above will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window) and I'll update the Scorecard tonight.

Today's pictures:

Bundeswehr support from Egg

Blue Moose Ken's WW1 British. The thing about uniform is that it isn't!

WW2 Romanians from Ralph Plowman

Romans from Lloyd Bowler

ECW horse from Andrew Helliwell

*Translation:  Caesar had some jam for tea