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TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Update

I've finally found the time to do this week's update to the painting challenge. Quite quiet at the moment:  must be the heat!

So, in no particular order, today we have:

  • Sapper with a regiment of 28mm ECW infantry
  • Travis with a rather nice French armoured car and the first of his "winter" German grenadiers
  • Carole's gone all 28mm Napoleonic on us:  British Rifles and Portuguese Cacadores
  • There the usual variety of figures and terrain from Andrew Helliwell
  • Mr Stoesen is building a fort
  • Three tanks from Matt Slade
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Hodge makes a welcome return with both some painting and some re-basing.

As per usual, clicking on the name of the person will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window).

Here are today's pictures:

Rather cold Germans from Travis

Pike and Shot from Sapper

95th Rifles from Carole

Matt's Crusaders