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TFL Painting Challenge: Not An April Fools Update

Morning all. Here’s this week’s update to the Painting Challenge, and not an April Fools amongst them.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Mark Luther updates his gallery with some pictures of all the Sugar Islands figures he’s been painting

  • Blue Moose Ken sends in his usual eclectic mix of figures

  • There are some Orc archers and BEF supports from Travis

  • Mr Slade has finished off his Belgian Chasseurs for 1940, and reports that (unbelievably) his newly painted troops have won a victory on their first outing

  • More Condotteri ride into Carole’s collection

  • And more of the usual from Mr Helliwell

  • Jon Yuengling has some early war Germans and Dutch in 15mm for us to see

  • And last, but by no means least, Stumpy bases some Zulus and paints some nuns!

As usual, clicking on the name of the person in the list above will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window).

Now, before the pictures, a confession: I haven’t had a chance to update the scorecard with all the points generated form the above yet. I could have done it last night, but chose to finish off some Jagdpanzer IV tank hunters instead! I’ll try and get it done tonight.

So, on to today’s piccies: