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TFL Painting Challenge: a Post Paris Update

Regulars will have noted another two week gap between the last Painting Challenge update and today. I went to Paris for a week, and was regrettably too busy climbing the Eiffel Tower, visiting the Louvre & Orsay galleries, and wondering why my new yellow jacket brought me so much attention to have time for the usual weekly update.

No matter: means today’s update is nice and big, or grand as us Francophiles say. In no particular order we have:

  • Chris Stoesen sends in a large and varied collection of entries, particularly featuring fences

  • Andy Duffell’s been painting the Po-Po

  • A few undead from Travis

  • The long and winding road, 108 inches of it, from Jon Yuengling

  • I may have been to Paris, but Caroles returned to renaissance Italy

  • Planes, Indians and Ancients from Ken

  • The Hodgemeister has been at the WW2 6mm again

  • John Haines has split his time between Portugal and Japan

  • How appropriate: trenches from Sapper

  • Lloyd continues to add to his already sizeable ACW collection

  • Mr Helliwell joins me at Versailles, and then whizzes off to the American War of Independence

  • Mark Luther fills in many of his pictorial gaps, and adds a whole load of Sugar Island terrain

  • And last, but certainly not least, in any sense of the words, is Mr Slade, with some fighters, some civilians and a doggy!

As usual, clicking on the name of the person above will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window).

I’ll update the scoreboard this weekend.

Here are today’s pictures: