Vis Lardica

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Quiet Time!

Sorry if it all seems a bit quiet on here at the moment (it’s certainly unusual not to have a new post for a week) but I’m busy with the final proofing of the next army booklet for I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum: which will be the first of the Blitzkrieg in the East series focusing on the Japanese army of December 1941 to July 1942.

A slight change in direction for this one, in that the lists will be ordered not, as the Blitzkrieg in the West lists, by parent division but by geographical campaign: so lists for the Japanese in Malaya, in Burma, in the Philippines, in what was known as the Dutch East Indies, the South Seas etc. I hope to follow this with lists for their opposition: the British & Empire armies, the Americans, the Dutch etc.

At the same time, Rich and I are cooking up an offer of some sort to mark the 80th year after the accepted start of WW2 on 1st September 1939 with the invasion of Poland. That sounds like a clumsy statement, but I don’t think it right to use the word “anniversary”, with its celebratory connotations, for the beginning of something that was so terrible. Keep your eyes and ears posted for more on that soon.

Otherwise, I’ll be at The Other Partisan on Sunday, where there will many Lardy games on show, so hope to see you all there.