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Three More For The Painting Challenge

Three more entrants for the Painting Challenge today.

First up we have Bluemoose Ken (Ken Eckhardt) returning for his third consecutive year. Ken always has a wide variety in his offerings, and today is no exception: we have some Spanish men and a donkey.

Next we have Fred Bloggs, returning for his sixth year (he skipped 2017). Fred’s entries are always an eclectic mix, but here are some pretty normal pikemen from Newline Design.

Finally in newbie-ville we have Mervyn Douglas, who is only a newbie to this year’s challenge as he has actually entered every year since we began. That makes this his seventh year and, with an average points total of 2,198, six good years under his belt so far as well.

Mervyn starts this year’s challenge with some figures for Mortal Gods:

It’s also been a busy week for two other people. Joe McGinn has sent in some more of his lovely Napoleonics; and Travis has been painting naked Celts…

Keep them coming!