Vis Lardica

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One More for the Challenge

Sapper makes a welcome return to this year’s Painting Challenge. This is his sixth year of participation (he missed out on year one) but with an average score of 2,129 per year, I think we can forgive him for that.

Sapper’s first offering of 2020 includes a rather smashing unit of 28mm pikemen:

Also adding to their scores today are Carole, Travis and John. By now you should be able to recognise their painting styles, but I’ll caption the photos just in case!

Incidentally, this post means that I have posted something every day in January. That may not sound like much but, given that I’ve never been able to do a whole month complete before in the six years that this website has been going, that, to me, is quite an impressive achievement.

I’m fairly sure that I can’t keep it up, but do promise to bring you as much great new content as I can manage, so keep checking back on a regular basis. I’m also very happy to receive AAR from any company-sized Lardy games (IABSM, CDS, Q13) or anything else that fits in with our general theme. Submissions to the website address on the right.

PS Actually I’ve managed to post every day since December 20th!