Vis Lardica

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ECW Limbers

After playing quite a few games of For King & Parliament, I realised that I could really do with a couple of bases to represent limbered, and therefore still capable of moving, artillery bases.

For my 19thC and WW2 armies, I don’t usually bother with anything fancy: just a limber and team that I can place behind the deployed gun model, but the way that I have based my ECW troops in elements required a little more…especially as limbered guns are long as opposed to wide.

As you can see from the picture, above, I decided to use my special Warbases double-deep vehicle bases and create mini vignettes: each of the two artillery pieces that will deploy supported by a couple of ammo wagons.

The guns, ammo wagons, carters and teams all came from the Hallmark range via Magister Militum, with a few spare Peter Pig artillerymen scattered around the base to dress it up a bit. The command figures are from Hallmark as well.

The size of the base makes a really substantial feature for the table, and suits how slow artillery in FK&P is to get into position and deploy.

Can’t wait to try them out, but that will have to wait until after lockdown…!