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TFL Painting Challenge: An Overdue Update

Apologies all, as it’s been a a couple of week’s since the last update and a few days since my last post: real world getting in the way of sensible things like gaming!

Actually, that’s not entirely true: a lot of my spare time has been spent finishing off my next scenario pack. Not one for a Lardy set of rules, but for For King & Parliament, the English Civil War version of To The Strongest.

Regular visitors will have seen all the ECW battle reports I’ve been posting on this site: they have been the playtest games for the supplement. A few details: 12 free-standing fictional scenarios for FK&P loosely grouped into a chronological campaign; similar format to my Lardy scenario packs; should be out later this week or perhaps next; price will be about a tenner.

Anyway, back to the Challenge. As usual, a good set of entries with some inspirational work. Check out the individual galleries (use the NavBar, above) but here’s a selection to whet your whistle: