Vis Lardica

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Another M2M Report

A couple of days ago I mentioned that I’d seen the Marlowe to Maidenhythe campaign from my new scenario pack for For King & Parliament being played out by someone on the Facebook 6mm Miniatures & Wargaming group. They’d just played the first scenario in the campaign: the Attack on Marlowe.

Fortunately they seem to have enjoyed that game (!) as they’ve now posted game two: Widbrooke Common.

You have to be a member to see posts on the group, but here’s a link for those of you who are, or who would like to be: link.

In the meantime, for those of you who either belong to far too many FB groups already (guilty as charged, your honour) or who don’t like FB at all, here’s a pic from the start of the game.

And now for the plug!

You can buy the scenario pack from the BigRedBat shop by clicking here or on the pic below.