Vis Lardica

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Musketballs 1812 War Gaming

Last weekend I had to drop a couple of people off at Southampton docks (they were going on a cruise) and, as I usually do when I visit somewhere I don’t go very often, I Google’d to see if there were any wargame shops nearby.

Up came the interestingly named Musketballs 1812 War Gaming : a mere 2.7 miles from said docks, so I set the satnav and headed over for a visit.

First up, it’s in an interesting location. You go into an industrial estate, then into another one at the end of the first one, then head between various sinister looking factory units until you get to the end. There you see a corridor, which you go down, then up some stairs and then, finally, you’re there. Sounds hard, but it’s all clearly signposted and easy to find…I just kept looking round for the rest of the Fellowship!

But don’t let me put you off: it’s well worth the journey. Musketballs is an Aladdin’s cave of goodies and I ended up spending far more than I had intended to. The shop has every kind of painting and basing materials you can think off (and some you can’t) plus a goodly selection of figures and box sets as well. Lots of GW stuff, I also spotted Cruel Seas, those 10mm Napoleonic figures that come in strips, and a lot of RPG figures as well.

Bob Graham, the proprietor, is very friendly, and even made me a cup of tea to ready me for the long drive home. They also have a gaming room, attached, and although I couldn’t stay, I could tell that if I’d wanted to, I could probably have found someone to game with.

I’ve got to go back to Southampton to pick up the aforementioned cruise takers, and will definitely be writing a shopping list of paint and basing supplies for when I do so. Highly, highly recommended!