Vis Lardica

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Horse Archers Re-Based

Now that I’m playing a lot of To The Strongest and the eastern Europe variant of For King & Parliament I thought it time to pull my finger out and re-base some of my ancients armies to suit.

I love the big elements that TTS encourages with its grid system, so have taken the first plunge with a load of generic horse archers. I didn’t like the way they were based, so this is a good opportunity to refresh and refurbish them and get them back onto the tabletop on a more regular basis.

How to base them though? I need them to act as a number of different nationalities: Parthians (desert scrub terrain), Sassanids (ditto); Steppes-nomads of various types (grass) and so on.

In the end, I plumped for a simple green flock with the odd bush and flower base. That will work with most of my existing armies and is about as neutral a scheme as one can get.

I went with bases of eight horse-archers each: perhaps it looks a little crowded, but I wanted to give the impression of a dense swarm of bowmen rather than a few individuals. It also suits the eastern Europe variant of FK&P where light cavalry can actually initiate melee combat and, perhaps, the new massed lights rules for TTS.

So now I have two brigades of three horse archer units each, plus command and a hero. I think I’ll re-base my generic cataphracts and clibanarii next…