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FK&P AAR: Transylvanians vs Ottomans - Take Two

Plenty of time left after game number one, so Neil and I decided to play again: same sides, same terrain.

Given the above, both sides set up in largely a similar fashion as well.

but this time the Ottoman infantry also come forward strongly (last time they held back).

But the Transylvanian light horse have been at it again, and manage to sneak around the left side of the Ottoman line and take the Ottoman camp!

In the centre, one lot of Ottoman artillery prove a tempting target for the Hungarian Seimeni, but I’m not sure how long they’ll last now they have taken the guns!

Here’s an overview of the battle at this point:

The Transylvanians commit their Household Cavalry in the centre. It’s very successful, but every time it destroys an enemy unit, it pursues them off table and is lost!

That’s a very expensive way to figth a battle!

I have the Ottomans on the ropes, but just can’t quite seem to polish them off. Neil saves a couple of match points on the right…

…and the Janisseries are starting to chew through the Transylvanian infantry!

It is now sudden death: whoever loses the next unit loses the game…unless, that it, I can get one of my three units that have pursued off table back into the action.

It’s still Neil’s turn, but he’s just about out of unist to play. On a whim he decides to try and re-take his camp, lost to the Transylvanian Lights earlier in the game, with some of his Sipahis.

With a couple of good activation cards, the Sipahis hit home…and my Lights die…which is enough to cost me my last on-table victory medal! The Transylvanians lose heart and retreat!

I’m still not sure quite how I lost that game, but I did! The Transylvanians just couldn’t quite finish off the units they Disordered, and the Ottomans proved very successful in saving match points.

A great game of For King & Parliament/Eastern Front!