Vis Lardica

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We’ve been converting Kursk “Storming the Citadel” PSC to IABSM, but using CoC activation and buying support “platoons” instead of single models.

Three games in and Grossdeutschland got the left op without firing a shot in first; got mangled in a second play of trying to kill the op (this time on the right side of Butovo, with different players); then managed to clear four out of eight minefields on board, tw0 with some good rolls at the right time before Force Morale dipped below four (two German companies with lotsa pioneers versus one Soviet.).

Thanks Jess, George Kettler, Raynor PadillaBruce Rosse Ross for kicking off this hiatus from 28mm Stalingrad!

We are still getting used to the game, but like that it has all the friction, crunch and option tricks from CoC, but plays bigger and recycles old Battlefront minis. Thinking about using BG Kursk’s campaign as a parallel storyline to GD’s progress towards Prokhorovka.

Will Depusoy