Vis Lardica

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I hadn't played I Ain't Been Shot Mum for years until today, but what a great game!

We played the second historical scenario from the rule book - South of Cherbourg - in 15mm.

The Americans began to advance under Blinds up the centre of the table through the woods but, as soon as the Germans spotted them, they came under a hail of fire from two platoons. The confusion this firepower caused halted them in their tracks until their officers realised they had to get their troops moving.

The main American force swung towards their left flank, taking heavy casualties but destroying the German platoon there. Advancing through the woods on their left, they were assaulted by a second German platoon. The Americans withdrew slightly and gunfight developed in the woods that lasted the rest of the game. They were outgunned by the Germans, however, and losing officers, so the odds were stacked against them.

Meanwhile, another American platoon tried to advance through the woods in the centre but were caught between a mortar bombardment and HMG fire from a commanding German position in the house on a hill. Eventually the Americans simply took too many casualties and were forced to withdraw.

Apologies for the crappy phone photos !

Rob Goodfellow