Vis Lardica

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I ran this I Ain't Been Shot Mum game with the idea that several friends could have some involvement in a game during the Covid-19 pandemic. Loads of pics because I was texting the game out to six people.

I sent pregame info out to two groups of three. Team Komrade Kovid as the Russians and Team von Wujan for the Fallschirmjaegers. I sent the unit rosters out to the two teams and they decided who would 'run' what. German defenders on Team von Wujan could place wire and MG bunkers and decide where they wanted units based on the pics I texted. Russian attackers on Team Kovid divvied up their units and decided how they would enter the board.

At this point it would become more dependent on what I did since I was the card puller and dice roller. Piccies would be texted out, sometimes to specific teams and sometimes to all players informing them of developments and asking how they wanted to react. I then had to interpret that and combined with the normal friction of an IABSM game, their wishes would be less than desirable. Overall the idea was to connect with friends and have a diversion during these days of social distancing. It ain't perfect, but was something.

This scenario was to depict one of the numerous Russian attacks on the III/Rgt 3 in November 41 on their lines on the Neva River outside Leningrad.

Well, that was interesting.

It was a bloody game all right. The Russians did get into the Para trenches on one flank. But too many auto weapons would prevent them from advancing further there. The attack on the other flanked also stalled out but did not capture any ground.

Russian left hand company had 40 infantry casualties, Company Co and 2 platoon Co killed. 6 MMG crew casualties and the flamethrower team wiped out for a total of 54 casualties. The right side company had 68 casualties plus 3 platoon COs hit 1 of the 3 T34 returned to the lines.

The FJ had 14 casualties including a Platoon Co casualties on their left. The center plt had 3 casualties. Their right side plt also had 13 casualties plus their Plt CO 1 MMG team lost 3 A 20mm was crushed and lost 3 crew. The Pioneers lost 11 on the German left.

This was certainly a nice distraction from our social distancing schedule. We played it over 2 days with me getting the info out ahead of time.

Mark Luther