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July 6 1943: a 6mm I Ain't Been Shot Mum encounter gamed remotely in August 2020

I was in the mood for a tank bash and I try to do a Kursk game every July - this time pushed back a month due to C19.

It was based on the lopsided engagement in the area between Step' and Hill 227.9 on the morning of July 6, 1943 involving the 107th Tank Brigade and the StuG IIIs of StuG Abt. 245 and off-table Tigers of s.Pz. Abt. 505.


The story was in the dice though. Sheridan was hot and William and I were not. 3 out of 18 shots from the Tigers scored. William had terrible robustness rolls for the entire game. What I feared might be a one sided affair became one, but with a completely opposite result.

Mark Luther