Vis Lardica

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The second part of a 6mm I Ain't Been Shot Mum game played remotely in June 2020

So a week later we had a couple of replacement gamers picking up the attack on Wulkow in eastern Germany on April 18, 1945 defended by elements of the 27th Fallschirmjager Rgt. Jess is now the FJ player and Sheridan the Soviet.The defenders are down 28 out of 76 men, both Paks are gone, 1 MMG gone, and they have 3 Hetzers left. Both the 120mm mortar btty and the 150mm sfH 18 were still around but would soon have to displace.Sheridan had a new company from the 301st Rifle Div, 1050 Inf Regt of 2, 3 sect platoons. A T34/85 (8 tanks) company from 51st Bttn, 220 Seperate Tk Brig and the surviving IS2 of the 92nd Gds Hvy Tk Rgt 1 IS2 was immobilsed but could provide fire support. The MMGs were also available to give support from the industrial area. 82mm mortars were also a possibility.

The Paras would attempt to ex-filtrate with the 2 Hetzers providing some cover. The FO teams had packed it in about midgame since their batteries were on the run. Both MMG teams were wiped out. The 1st company was down to 16 men (of 38) It had lost its company CO and the 2nd plt ldr to 122mm firing 2nd company had been hit hard in the 1st game and they now had only 14 survivors.

The attackers lost all of 4 IS2s(1 immobile) The T34s still had 5 runners. But infantry was scarce. 1st plt down to 5 of 16 men, no ldr left. 2 plt also had no plt CO and only 7 men of 16. the 3rd plt lost its cdr and had 8 men of 16. The company CO was still alive.

Another tough game for both sides.

Mark Luther