Vis Lardica

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I Ain't Been Shot, Mum! game this evening at Hailsham Wargames Club. This was a refresher for myself, as it's been at least a year since we last played a game, and a first game for one of our newest members. Tim Howard very kindly played the Germans and hand held us through it.

A British infantry company supported by a machine gun section in carriers and a platoon of Shermans were clearing the hedgerows just off the beaches in Normandy. The Germans had a couple of platoons, attached MGs and a couple of PaK 40s deployed on hidden (map) Blinds. The British were coming on from table edge in full view of the Germans.

Fierce fighting ensued around the farm building, with both sides taking significant chunks out of each other.

The game concluded with a very narrow British victory. They wiped out a German platoon and two anti tank guns. In return, two of the British platoon were completely mauled.

It's easy to forget how great a set of rules IABSM is. It is however a bit like Marmite: you either love or hate it! I for one am a big fan of this game, and would play it more often if only the others at the clubs I attend would too. I think more persuading is required!

Joe McGinn