Vis Lardica

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I think it has something to do with watching Where Eagles Dare as a kid, but as soon as Battlefront produced their Gebirgsjaeger, I knew I had to have some. It was also another excuse to put off buying a panzer grenadier company with all that that implies in terms of painting camouflage smocks! So below you have most of a company of German mountain troops, with all but the skiers coming from Battlefront (the skiers are from Peter Pig). The panzerschreck crew are Peter Pig German late war infantry bodies with a Gebirgsjaeger head-swap, and need some more Big Men, but I can proxy just about all the gaps. The Opel Maultiers are from Waugh Games.

The Battlefront figures are a weird mixture of exquisite and awful. Some of the figures, the Big Men or infantry gun crews, are literally the best I have ever seen, and take paint beautifully in the slightly cartoon-y way I like, but others are nothing but blocky manikins that, if I didn't need them to make up the numbers, I would seriously have considered throwing away. It makes me think that there must have been two sculptors on the range. Still, in all a lovely set of miniatures.    

Company HQ & Schwerer Gruppe

Core Troops

Battalion Support Troops

Regimental Support Troops

Divisional Support Troops