Vis Lardica

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The 15mm Alien Invasion range of sci-fi figures from Khurasan Miniatures consists of three different elements. First up, and in command, are the Science Caste, or little grey men. Next are the War Caste, or little green men. Finally there are two types of ‘warborg’: robots with the intelligence of dogs carrying big guns!

The range forms the infantry element of my Invaders army but, as Khurasan haven’t yet provided any vehicles for Aline Invasion, I have added the tripods that I acquired through the ill-fated All Quiet on the Martian Front Kickstarter. These go really well with the Alien Invasion infantry, and completes a pretty meaty force.

The Invaders

Company HQ

  • Two Science Caste Big Men

  • Four War Caste Electronic Warfare Specialists

  • One Squad Science Caste in Conflict Mode

War Caste Platoon One

  • One War Caste Big Man

  • Three War Caste Heavy Squads

War Caste Platoon Two

  • One War Caste Big Man

  • Three War Caste Heavy Squads

Kalinekt Warborg Platoon One

  • One War Caste Big Man

  • One War Caste Electronic Warfare Team

  • Three Heavy Kalinekt Warborg Squads

Kalinekt Warborg Platoon Two

  • One War Caste Big Man

  • One War Caste Electronic Warfare Team

  • Three Kalinekt Warborg Squads

Martian HQ

  • Slav Driver Tripod with power node

  • One Flying Drone Reconnaissance Squad

Reconnaissance Tripod Platoon

  • Three Scout Tripod Squads (each three tripods)

Chemical Warfare Platoon One

  • One Assault Tripod with Green Mist bombs and Black Dust emitter

  • Three Assault Tripods with Green Mist bombs

Chemical Warfare Platoon Two

  • Three Assault Tripods with Black Dust emitters

Artillery Platoon

  • Two Grenadier Tripods

Science Caste Command

Science Caste in Conflict Mode

War Caste Electronic Warfare Specialists

War Caste Combat Teams

War Caste 1st Platoon

War Caste 2nd Platoon

Kalinekt Warborgs

Heavy Kalinekt Warborgs Platoon 1

Kalinekt Warborgs Platoon 2

Martian Command & Reconnaissance

Martian Slaver & Power Node

Martian Flying Drones

Support Units