AAR: 6th June 1992


Battle Report: 6th June 1992

Crimean British  ~vs~  Crimean Russian

(Robert Avery ~vs~ Richard Avery)


Crimean British



Fig.'s Org. Class Weapons Pts/Fig Points


  2inC 2         50
1st Brigade 95th Line 40 10x4 RegB mlr (2 Co's LI)   516
  98th Highlanders 40 8x5 RegA mlr (2 Co's LI)   580
  Naval Brigade 24 8x3 RegB mlr   320
  Rifles 8 2x4 LightsA mlr   132
Cavalry 17th Lancers 8 2x4 RegA s,l   156
Brigade Dragoons 8 2x4 RegB s, mlc   156
Artillery 30th Btty RA 3 3x1 RegB light mlsb FA   249
  Ammo Wagon 1          

Crimean Russian









  CinC 1         100
  2inC 1         50
24th 1st Bttn 48 4x12 RegC sbm   376
Dneprovski 2nd Bttn 48 4x12 RegD sbm   328
Regiment 3rd Bttn 48 4x12 RegD sbm   328
  Attached Cossacks 48 4x12 MilD sbm   280
Cavalry Dragoons 16 2x8 RegC s,mlc   260


Cossacks 15 1x15 IrregC s,l   180
  Cossacks 15 1x15 IrregC s,l   180
Artillery 1st Btty 3 3x1 RegC light mlsb FA   237
. Crimean British Crimean Russian
Foot 2240 3840
Horse 320 920
Guns 6 6




As battle commenced, both sides advanced quickly into the centre of the field: the Russians in mighty columns, the British doubling forward in line.

On the right flank of the Russians, their Cossack regiments immediately charged the British Dragoons, who had disordered themselves by doubling too keenly. The first Cossack regiment was counter-charged by A Squadron, still in disorder, and bounced back to the Russian lines. Unfortunately, the British cavalry, too impetuous as usual, rushed after them into melee, and were swallowed up: outnumbered 8:1!

The other Cossack regiment had also charged, but were received in line by Dragoon’s Squadron B, supported by a section of artillery. The Cossacks were unable even to make contact, and were routed by evil artillery fire from the flank.

On the Russian left flank, both sides advanced strongly towards a walled manor house. Quickly the British threw out a screen of Rifles: who opened up on the advancing Russians safe in the knowledge that their Minie’s outranged the Russian smoothbores. However, Russian numbers paid off: they shrugged off their casualties and advanced into the walled gardens of the manor, dispersing the Rifles.

In the centre, three Russian columns, supported by artillery, advanced towards the Highlanders and Naval Brigade. The Naval Brigade rushed forward excitedly, disordered themselves, and were then broken by heavy Russian artillery fire. The Highlanders, however, firing a great volley and then charging forward, broke the two Russian infantry columns facing them, and ended up far up the field threatening to roll up the Russian flanks.

Meanwhile, the other British Dragoon squadron charged into the other Cossack regiment and, just like their colleagues, were swallowed up by superior number. They had, however, given their colleagues in the artillery time to get into position: who quickly sent the Cossacks fleeing from the field.

Another cavalry clash took place far on the British right: with 160 Lancers facing 320 Russian Dragoons. Both sides charged and, incredibly, the British were utterly stuffed! Shame for the 17th Lancers as the Russians reformed: threatening the British flank.

As the battle ended, the Russians were consolidating a defensive position around the North wall of the manor house, as the British regrouped preparatory to re-launching their attack.


The British lost 131 Dragoons and 105 Lancers (some 74% casualties) before their cavalry was routed from the field. They also lost 100 rifles, 138 Highlanders and 179 sailors: a total of 417 infantry.

The Russians lost 296 Cossacks, 60 Dragoons and 618 infantry. Their CinC was also seriously wounded as he led a Cossack charge.


At the end of the battle, it was decided to award the British a winning draw. Tactically they were in need of regrouping, but should have won a continuation. In points terms, they had certainly won: losing 616 to the Russians’ 1068.


The British commander did not play the battle well, and was saved by the excellent quality of his troops. The British cavalry were thrown away, and units disordered by doubling right in the face of the enemy. C-, could do better!