Battle Report: 9th March 1999

Crimean British ~vs~ Crimean Russian

(Robert Avery ~vs~ Rupert Avery) .

Crimean British



Fig.'s Org. Class Weapons Pts/Fig Points


. .. .   100
Infantry 2inC 1         50
Brigade Grenadier Guards 40 10x4 RegA mlr 12 580
  57th Regt 40 10x4 RegB mlr 10 500
  66th Regt 40 10x4 RegB mlr 10 500
  Extra for Light Co's         2 48
  Rifles 16 4x4 LightsA mlr 15 280
Cavalry Light Dragoons 10 2x5 RegA s, mlc 17 190
Brigade 17th Lancers 10 2x5 RegA s, l 17 190
  11th Hussars 10 2x5 RegA s 16 180
Artillery 1st Battery 3 3x1 RegB light mlsb FA 73 249


2nd Battery 2 2x1 RegA light mlsb HA 98 216
  3rd Battery 1 1x1 RegA rocket launcher 88 98

Crimean Russian















Moscva 2inC 1         50
Regt 1st Bttn 48 4x12 LightsC mlr 10 520
  2nd Bttn 48 4x12 RegB sbm 8 424
  3rd Bttn 48 4x12 RegD sbm 6 328
  4th Bttn 48 4x12 RegD sbm 6 328
  Cossacks 48 4x12 RegD sbm 6 328
Cavalry 2inC 1         50
Brigade Uhlans 16 2x8 RegC s, l 15 260
  Hussars 24 4x6 RegC s 14 376
  Cossacks 10 1x10 IrregD s, l 10 115
  Dragoon Guards 16 2x8 RegB s, mlc 17 292
Artillery 1st Battery 3 3x1 RegC light mlsb FA 69 237
  2nd Battery 2 2x1 RegB heavy mlsb FA 112 244
  Ammo Wagon 1         50
. Crimean British Crimean Russian
Foot 2720 4800
Horse 600 1320
Guns 12 10


A set piece battle with the two sides fighting over a village on the Crimean peninsular.

The British set up in two divisions: the Rifles, Guards and Hussars under command of the CinC aimed directly at the village, with the rest of the force moving forward over the open ground to the left.

The Russians sent a small force to occupy the village, but concentrated their main thrust in the centre of the battlefield.

As battle commenced, the Russians let loose an almighty cavalry charge at the British horse artillery that had advanced rapidly to the front-left. The RHA were, however, unlimbered and ready for action: and blew the first rank of Russian horse from the field. The others followed: shaken by the carnage.

On the right, the British elite column was confronted by some Hussars and D-class Russian infantry. Impatient for combat, the Guards charged, in column, but were counter-charged by the Hussars and, horror of horrors, thrown back. This was doubtless due to the fact that the Guards had disordered themselves by charging through a line of Rifles that had already KO’d one squadron of Hussars.

This meant that the British right flank elite force spent the rest of the battle re-organising behind a screen of Rifles that were inflicting heavy casualties on the Russian infantry. As the battle ended, the Guards were advancing once more, and the Russians beginning to crumble, but the Rifles were also starting to look a bit shaky: having been under constant artillery fire for two hours.

In the centre, the two lines continued exchanging fire and, as the battle ended as the short Russian day drew to a close, the three Russian and two British battalions had fought each other to a standstill.

With the British right flank force about to break through; the Russian right stalled due to the threat from flanking cavalry; and the Russian centre crumbling faster than the British centre: it looked grim for the Russians. Despite this, and despite the disparity in forces, due to the fact that the battle had to end at this point, the battle was declared a draw.


The British lost 140 Rifles; 20 Horse Artillery crew; 260 men from the 66th; 20 men from the 57th; 20 Field Artillery crew; 100 Lancers and 80 Guards. A total of 640.

The Russians lost 140 Dragoons; 200 Hussars; 40 Cossacks; and 780 infantry. A total of 1160. 


The Russians escaped with a lucky draw.


Warning: remember that a small number of inferior troops can hold up your elite flanking column in a town or other enclosed space!

Whilst the British would undoubtedly have eventually crumbled the Russian forces, it is doubtful whether they would have had enough men left to do anything about it. Oh, for those missing 600 points!