Battle Report

Battle Report: 18th August 1991

1879 British  ~vs~  1879 Zulu

(Nog Norgren & Rupert Avery ~vs~ Robert Avery & Richard Avery)


1879 British



Fig.'s Org. Class Weapons Pts/Fig Points


  2inC 1          
  24th Foot 40 8x5 RegB blr   520
  72nd Highlanders 40 8x5 RegB blr   520
  Naval Brigade 24 8x3 RegC blr   280
  17th Lancers 16 4x4 RegB s,blc,p,l   328
  1st Btty RA 3 3x1 RegA medium blrb FA   405
  2nd Btty RA 1 1x1 RegA hmg   102

1879 Zulu



Fig.'s Org. Class Weapons Pts/Fig Points
  Induna Enkulu


  Induna 1         50
Fanatical Impi 1 30 1x30 FanA sp,sh   235
Veterans Impi 2 30 1x30 FanA sp,sh   235
  Impi 3 30 1x30 FanA sp,sh   235
  Impi 4 30 1x30 FanA sp,sh   235
Fanatics Impi 5 30 1x30 FanA sp,sh   235
  Impi 6 30 1x30 FanA sp,sh   235
  Impi 7 30 1x30 FanB sp,sh   205
  Impi 8 30 1x30 FanB sp,sh   205
  Impi 9 30 1x30 FanB sp,sh   205
Shooters Impi 10 8 1x8 FanA sp,sh,blr   120
. 1879 British 1879 Zulu
Foot 2080 5560
Horse 320 0
Guns 8 0


The set-up formations were fairly standard: a long line of infantry and artillery for the British, the “horns of the bull” for the Zulu.

The Zulus attacked strongly on each flank. On the left, the Zulus were repulsed with heavy casualties, only managing to rout one section of British artillery.

On the right flank, the Zulus charged the British square with three regiments - unluckily being routed before they came into contact. Two more Zulu regiments crashed into the square, broke one side, but ran out of impetus before being able to finish the job.

With 8 regiments routing, the Zulus retreated - leaving the British masters of the field.


The Zulus took 1880 casualties; the British 75 men and one gun.


A victory for the British.


If you’re going to come up with all these ideas on how to use the Zulus...use them!