Battle Report

Battle Report: 23rd March 1992

Late British Indian  ~vs~  Late Afghan & Russian

(Nog Norgren ~vs~ Robert Avery & Richard Avery)


Late British Indian



Fig.'s Org. Class Weapons Pts/Fig Points


  2inC 1          
1st Brigade 1st/24th Bttn 40 8x5 RegB blr    
  Sikh Bttn 32 8x4 RegC mlr    
  Sepoy Bttn 32 8x4 RegC mlr    
2nd Brigade 98th Highlanders 40 8x5 RegB blr    
  Ghurka Bttn 40 8x5 LightsC mlr    
Cavalry 17th Lancers 16 4x4 RegB s,blc,p,l    
Brigade Sikh Dragoons 16 4x4 RegC s, mlc    


Bengal Lancers







  Camel Corps 8 2x4 RegB s,blr    
Artillery 35th Btty RHA 3 3x1 RegB light blrb HA    
Brigade Gatling Gun 1 1x1 RegB hmg    
  Rocket Btty 1 1x1 RegB rocket launcher    
  Ammo Wagon 1          

Late Russian & Afghan









Russian CinC 1          
24th 1st Bttn 48 4x12 RegC mlr*    
Dneprovski 2nd Bttn 48 4x12 RegC mlr*    
Regiment 3rd Bttn 48 4x12 RegC mlr*    
  Attached Cossacks 30 6x5 RegC s,l    
  Attached Artillery 3 3x1 RegC light mlrb* FA    
Afghan 2inC 1          
Ghazis Ghazi Fanatics 36 1x36 FanB sp/sw,sh,mlr    
Tribal Foot Purple Flag 32 1x32 IrregB sp/sw,sh,mlr    
  Blue Flag 32 1x32 IrregB sp/sw,sh,mlr    
  Red Flag 18 1x18 IrregA sp/sw,sh,mlr    
  Yellow Flag 18 1x18 IrregA sp/sw,sh,mlr    
Tribal Horse Camelry 6 1x6 IrregC sw,mlr    
  Purple Flag 10 1x10 FanA sw,sp,sh,mlr    
  No Flag 10 1x10 FanA sw,sp,sh,mlr    
Tribal Guns Guns 3 1x3 IrregC light mlsb FA    
. Late British Indian Late Afghan/Russian
Foot 3680 4880
Horse 1200 1120
Guns 10 12



This was a very large battle that took about six hours to fight.

The Afghans occupied the allies’ left flank, faced by the British CinC with the Ghurkas and Highlanders supported by the Bengal Lancers and rocket battery. The Russians occupied the allies’ right flank, faced by the rest of the British force.

On the left, the Afghans advanced strongly and, despite strong resistance from the Ghurkas, Highlanders and Sikhs (who had been sent to reinforce), eventually forced a general rout.

The Ghurkas managed to defeat a charge on their square from the Ghazi fanatics, led by the Afghan CinC: but succumbed eventually to skirmisher fire. The Highlanders repulsed a charge by the fanatical cavalry, but were battered for the whole battle by skirmishers and artillery fire, eventually routing from the field. The reinforcing Sikhs were faced by the Ghazis right at the end of the battle, but fired far too soon, leaving them at the mercy of their hawk-like foes.

On the Russian side of the battlefield, the British advanced slowly against a solid defence maintained by the Russians. The Cossacks attempted to clear the British skirmish line, but were repulsed time and time again. The British replied by throwing their Lancers and Sikh cavalry against the Russian main body, but these were repulsed in turn. The far right of the battlefield became a slogging match that was unresolved by the end of the battle: the British unable to make any headway.

Slightly further in to the centre an incident occurred that really was the final nail in the British coffin. The Cossack infantry had formed a skirmish line to oppose the advancing Sepoy regiment. On being charged by the Sepoys, the Cossack skirmish line disengaged, running back towards the cover of their main body of infantry. The Sepoys, however, had timed their charge just right: and ended up forcing the Cossacks to turn and fight. This proved to be a mistake: as the Cossacks, outnumbered and charged in the rear, somehow managed to win the melee! The Sepoys never recovered...they crumbled, and so did this half of the British force.


The British lost a total of 1225 men: 20% of their force. Nine of their units were routed: only the 1st/24th managing to perform a fighting retreat, covering their fleeing comrades.

The Russians lost 388 men, the Afghans 462 men: for a total of 850 casualties.


An extremely bloody battle ended with a win for the combined Russian/Afghan side.


The luck was unusual: in that General Norgren had extraordinary good die rolls at the beginning of the battle, and vice-versa at the end. General Norgren did, however, accept that he could have deployed his forces better initially - especially as he out-scouted the allies - and that it was probably this initial deployment that sealed his fate!