Battle Report

Battle Report: 11th August 1995

Mexican Juarista ~vs~ Imperial Chinese

(Richard Avery ~vs~ Robert Avery)


Mexican Juarista



Fig.'s Org. Class Weapons Pts/Fig Points
. CinC


. .. . . 100
  2inC 2         100
Line LosSupremosPodres 30 6x5 RegC mlr   300
Infantry Zapadores 30 6x5 LightsC mlr   360
  1st Line Battalion 30 6x5 MilC mlr   300
  2nd Line Battalion 30 6x5 MilC mlr   300
  3rd Line Battalion 30 6x5 MilD sbm   180
  4th Line Battalion 30 6x5 MilD sbm   180
Line Dragoons 12 2x6 RegC s, mlc   176
Cavalry Lancers 12 2x6 RegC s, l   176
  Rancheros 12 2x6 MilD l, mlc   152
Artillery 1st Battery 3 3x1 RegC light mlsb FA   237
Train Ammo Wagon 1         50

Imperial Chinese
















  2inC 2         100
Tigermen 1st 25 5x5 MilC sw, sbm   250
  2nd 25 5x5 MilC sw, sbm   250
Musketeers 1st 25 5x5 MilC mlr   275
  2nd 25 5x5 MilC mlr   275
Spearmen 1st 25 5x5 MilD sbm   250
Boxers 1st 30 1x30 IrregC sw/sp, sh   145
  2nd 30 1x30 IrregC sw/sp, sh   145
  3rd 30 1x30 IrregC sw/sp, sh   145
Horse Imperial Lancers 12 1x12 IrregC sp, sw, sh   111
  1st Tartars 12 1x12 IrregC sp, sw, sh, b   123
  2nd Tartars 12 1x12 IrregC sp, sw, sh, b   123
Artillery 1st Battery 4 1x4 IrregD light mlsb FA   287
. Imperial Chinese Mexican Juarista
Foot 4300 3600
Horse 720 720
Guns 8 6


As battle commenced, the Mexicans advanced from behind a curve in the river, determined to bring battle to their oriental enemy. Likewise, the Chinese marched eagerly forward on their left flank, leaving their artillery and spearmen on their base line.

It was all over very quickly!

The Mexicans deployed their Zapadores light infantry into skirmish formation, and began to organise their attack behind this screen. The Chinese, however, showing no respect for military protocol, immediately launched five units in charges towards the deploying Mexicans: hoping to catch them unawares.

The Supremos Podres counter-charged, trying to give their Zapadores time to reform line, and crashed their column into a mass of Boxer fanatics. Unfortunately, the Boxers swept them from the field, and headed for the Zapadores.

Now began one of the great legends of military history. General Juan Sanchez Juan Rodrigues Almeida took personal command of the Zapadores knowing that, if they broke, his army would collapse: caught deploying rather than prepared.

The Boxers charged forward. The General held the fire of the Zapadores - refusing to let his men shoot until the perfect moment. As the Boxers came forward they were met by an impenetrable line of bayonets: they faltered, then retired.

It was not over yet: a unit of Tigermen came crashing forward. Again General Almeida refused to let the Zapadores fire. Again the Chinese failed to push home their charge.

There was a thundering of hooves, and a line of  Imperial Chinese Lancers thundered forward. Finally General Juan let his men fire, and half the cavalry crashed into the dirt. The rest fled: taking the shaken Boxers and Tigermen with them.

The sight of three of their units fleeing was too much for the rest fo the Chinese army: the domino effect left the field to the Mexicans.


Casualties were very light: with the Chinese breaking before any descent fighting took place.

The Chinese lost about 80 infantry and, of course, half the Imperial Lancers.

The Mexicans lost about 80 infantry.


A win for the Mexicans. 


A great battle - if a little short! The epic stand of the Zapadores alone was worth setting everything up for!