AAR:  26th December 1995

Battle Report: 26th December 1995

Mexican Juarista ~vs~ 1860's Chinese

(Robert Avery ~vs~ Richard Avery)


Mexican Juarista



Fig.'s Org. Class Weapons Pts/Fig Points
. CinC


. .. . . 100
  2inC 2         100
Line LosSupremosPodres 30 6x5 RegC mlr   300
Infantry Zapadores 30 6x5 LightsC mlr   360
  1st Line Battalion 30 6x5 MilC mlr   300
  2nd Line Battalion 30 6x5 MilC mlr   300
Line Dragoons 12 2x6 RegC s, mlc   176
Cavalry Lancers 12 2x6 RegC s, l   176
Artillery 1st Battery 3 3x1 RegC light mlsb FA   237
Guerillos 1st Infantry 32 1x32 IrregC mlr   239
Troops 2nd Infantry 32 1x32 IrregC mlr   239
  1st Horse 10 1x10 IrregC mlc   115
  2nd Horse 10 1x10 IrregC mlc   115
  3rd Horse 10 1x10 IrregC mlc   115

1860's Chinese
















  2inC 2         100
Tigermen 1st 25 5x5 MilC sw, sbm   250
  2nd 25 5x5 MilC sw, sbm   250
Musketeers 1st 25 5x5 MilC mlr   275
  2nd 25 5x5 MilC mlr   275
Spearmen 1st 25 5x5 MilD sbm   250
  2nd 25 5x5 MilD sbm   250
Village 1st 30 1x30 IrregC sw/sp, sh   135
Levies 2nd 30 1x30 FanD sw/sp, sh   165
  3rd 30 1x30 IrregD sw/sp, sh   135
Horse 1st Imprl Lancers 12 1x12 IrregC sp, sw, sh   111
  2nd Imprl Lancers 12 1x12 IrregC sp, sw, sh   111
  3rd Imprl Lancers 12 1x12 IrregC sp, sw, sh   111
  4th Imprl Lancers 12 1x12 IrregC sp, sw, sh   111
Artillery 1st Battery 4 1x4 IrregD light mlsb FA   287
. 1860's Chinese Mexican Juarista
Foot 4800 3280
Horse 960 1080
Guns 8 6


As the Mexicans outscouted the Chinese, the slant-eyed devils set up first, with the Villagers and Imperial cavalry on the right, two Imperial Battalions in the centre, and the Tigermen, Tartars and the other two Imperial Battalions on the left. The Mexicans held the town with the Supremos Podres and the artillery, with one battalion of infantry and the Guerillos cavalry on the left, and the rest of the infantry on the right.

The Chinese attacked strongly on the flanks. On the right, the Imperial Lancers smashed through the Mexican Line Cavalry, covering the charge of the Village Levies into the Mexican 2nd Battalion of infantry, which held for a turn, and then turned and ran!

On the Chinese left flank, the Mexicans had thrown out a skirmish screen of Zapadores backed up by the 1st Battalion and two Guerillos infantry units. Again the Chinese advanced strongly - but this time their Tigermen were repulsed by devastating fire from the skirmish screen.

The Chinese then sent forward more Lancers, who cleared not only the skirmish screen but also the Guerillos horse. At this point, things looked critical, if not terminal, for the Mexican general, but the Chinese cavalry were seen off by the Guerillos foot:  moving forward to annihilate them at point blank range.

However, this success came too late to do any real good. Stunned by the devastation caused to the Zapadores and the Guerillos horse, the Mexican 1st Battalion fled the field.

With his left flank crumbling, his right looking dodgy, and his centre outnumbered 2:1, the Mexican general ordered a retreat. The day belonged to the Chinese.


The Chinese casualties were quite high:  260 Tigermen; 120 Musketeers; 160 Spearmen; 160 cavalry and 200 Village Levies. A total of 900.

The Mexican casualties were light: as they mostly ran away before impact! They were:  60 Zapadores; 60 Lancers; 20 Guerillos Foot; 200 Guerillos Horse and 80 Infantry. A total of 420.


A win for the Chinese forces: headed by the Great Wang Ri Chee Averee! 


Another good battle: with the result decided by tactics and morale rather than the dice.