13th January 2020 (60 points)
(and next pic)
First 15 pieces of the year, 12 warriors, one drummer and drum, and one officer in a crocodile mask (really I think there are only gators in the New World, but who am I to argue with the figure maker?) wearing a very keen smiley face back banner. Again, all 28mm and all by Outpost.
13th January 2020 (42 points)
These are all 6mm Roman Seas paper buildings. Buy the downloads, print the buildings and start assembling. The one on the left with the buttresses is a granary, the other two larger buildings are temples, and the four smaller buildings are dock warehouses. The granary was a bit fiddly with all the buttresses and the front entrance, the others were pretty straightforward builds. If you don’t mind cutting and gluing, these are very nice kits.
20th January 2020 (24 points)
Four more Roman Seas 6mm buildings.
The large building is a trireme boat shed. It is quite big and quite hollow, really I need to add some interior supports to brace it a bit. Two more port warehouses and a large apartment building round out the photo.
20th January 2020 (18 points)
Three more Roman Seas 6mm buildings. Two different houses, those are the low level ones with open courtyards, and a shop.
8th February 2020 (36 points)
The last unit of Aztecs I’ll probably ever paint. 12 slingers and appropriately animated!
8th February 2020 (8 points)
The last Aztec captain, a fellow in a demon mask, a fun figure to paint. His conch blower is with him.
8th February 2020 (8 points)
The last Aztec is Moctezuma himself, along with his nubile fan bearer (it must be good to be King!). Very nice figures and like all the rest of the Aztecs are 28mm figs from Outpost games.
8th February 2020 (180 points)
(and next pic)
These are some Acheson castings in 28mm. The figure is for showing scale. The buildings are hollow cast with removable roofs. I magnetized them so they mind their manners and stay in place if they get bumped or moved during a game. Two buildings in the second photo are storage buildings and the the third is obviously another dwelling with a rather wide door, doesn’t make sense to me, but they do live in a hot climate.
8th February 2020 (36 points)
This is a bit of scenery that Acheson offers. I thought it was quite expensive, but I thought it is was going to be a quarter the size of the actual piece. It is a lovely piece and certainly worth the money. I quite like it and plan to have it in every Aztec game we play, even if the scenario is in the mountains.
1st March 2020 (12 points)
A battery of 4 siege stone throwers, 6mm from Baccus. We might be doing a campaign on Sicily and some siege engines seemed in order.
1st March 2020 (96 points)
Langton /1200 galleys. Eight merchant men, or as we game players call them “targets”.
1st March 2020 (108 points)
Langton /1200 galleys. 5 biremes and 4 hemiolas.
1st March 2020 (72 points)
The largest and smallest of ships in the fleet: Two 10s, one dispatch boat, and in between are three quinquremes (the ones with the sails).
1st March 2020 (108 points)
A squadron of 9 liburnians
1st March 2020 (72 points)
The inevitable outcome of a naval battle, abandoned and sinking wrecks, and these are every bit as nice of models as the actual warships! Again, all are 1/1200 Langton. Highly recommended models.
20th March 2020 (96 points)
A group of 8 hexeres, or sixes.
20th March 2020 (96 points)
A group of 8 Octeres, or eights. Big bruisers.
20th March 2020 (60 points)
5 frumentarii grain ships. They are the largest models and I’m sure they are going to make marvelous targets.
20th March 2020 (132 points)
10 triremes and one dispatch boat.
20th March 2020 (96 points)
8 quadremes
20th March 2020 (108 points)
9 Carthaginian 5s, which when we get them on the board will serve which ever navy needs them the most!
20th March 2020 (156 points)
13 Roman 5s
10th April 2020 (100 points)
(and next four pics)
ECW figures. Most of these figs have been languishing unpainted for close to 30 years. The vast majority are 15mm Minifigs. In keeping with FK&P these units are based on 120mm frontages. All the flags are from Wargames Design which are quite nice.
22nd April 2020 (33 points)
(and next three pics)
Some more 15mm ECW items for FK&P. The large round base is a general and the three small round bases are for foot colonels. Should make it easy to tell the two levels apart. The unit is my attempt at a pike heavy unit. I just dropped 4 musketeers and added 6 pikemen. Those pike really do like a small forest. 33 total figures.
23rd May 2020 (98 points)
98 ECW infantry: all 15mm and all are old Minifigs.
23rd May 2020 (48 points)
48 ECW cavalry: all 15mm and almost all are old Minifigs. There are 6 cav that were sold on EBay as Essex, which might be correct. They are somewhat bigger than the Minifigs, but in their own unit they look okay.
4th July 2020 (305 points)
There’s a total of 8 horse, 2 foot, and 3 dragoon units. The dragoons are mounted and dismounted, with horse holder stands no less! One command base of Charley himself, before he lost his head! Those little guns in the front right are going to used as markers in FK&P. Most of these figs have been in my basement for 30 some years and they’re just now getting painted. Some are recent purchases to fill out missing figure types. I’m getting to the bottom of the pile of old ECW figs, I never realized how many were in that box!
There are 135 horse and dragoon figures in this picture, 4 figs on the command base, 48 infantry and 14 guns. Most of these are old Minifigs with a smattering of other ranges.
8th August 2020 (108 points)
(and next two pics)
A few photos of finished units. These should be the last cavalry I’ll paint for the ECW, unless there is a stray unit lurking in my cupboard! These are almost all Minifigs with a sprinkling of Peter Pig and Essex. 54 cavalry in all total.
8th August 2020 (24 points)
This is the latest infantry unit and unless I find more there are but three more to do. 24 Minifigs in this unit.
8th August 2020 (24 points)
Next are four guns and crews. There are also two limbers, which is an indication of how long I bought these figures since I don’t do limbers any more, except for antiques like these!
8th August 2020 (10 points)
The last photo shows some Khurasan commanders. I bought these last winter thinking they would make great command stands, but they’re so much bigger than the old Minifigs I decided to turn them into pursuit markers for FK&P, they should look good leading the charge.

5th September 2020 (12 points)
Tamiya 1/700 scale. 2 B-24s.
5th September 2020 (12 points)
Tamiya 1/700 scale: a US Gato sub

5th September 2020 (24 points)
Tamiya 1/1700: two Japanese sub-chasers
5th September 2020 (12 points)
Tamiya 1/700 scale: a US Gato sub
19th September 2020 (11 points)
A group of ECW colonels both foot and mounted in 15mm.
19th September 2020 (36 points)
ECW troops in 15mm: another Minifigs unit along with two artillery bases.
19th September 2020 (66 points)
ECW troops in 15mm: in red, a Khurasan Unit; the other two are Minifigs units
19th September 2020 (42 points)
Light guns for the ECW collection in 15mm. Rebased with a gunner mounted on the base.

14th November 2020 (80 points)
28mm Aztec building and civilians. The figures are 28mm from Outpost, very nice figures. The building is from Acheson Minis and also very nice.

14th November 2020 (36 points)
(and next pic)
Big Aztec statue from Acheson Minis. I found a very great picture of the statue on Google, might have been the inspiration for the mini it was so close.

14th November 2020 (32 points)
More 28mm Aztec civilians from Outpost.

18th December 2020 (36 points)
(and next pic)
A Sarissa Roman country villa this time, along with some flower boxes. If I do another building like this I will certainly paint the interior first! I didn’t with this building and had a hard time painting the interior after the walls were assembled.

18th December 2020 (72 points)
(and next pic)
12 Tumbling Dice B-17s.
18th December 2020 (36 points)
A Sarissa 28mm ludus ring, stands, and cages. It fits perfectly on a gladiator Hotz mat. Looking forward to some Mano o Mano tiffs, hopefully the ring will be busy after COVID is done.

18th December 2020 (48 points)
(and next thee pics)
Four 1/1700 destroyers.
The third photo is USS Hammann, she was the destroyer standing by Yorktown at Midway when both were torpedoed. There’s a famous photo of Hammann broken in half with her stern high in the air as she starts her plunge to the bottom. The last photo is USS Fletcher.

18th December 2020 (144 points)
Early war Polish aircraft in 1/600 scale

18th December 2020 (120 points)
Early war Dutch aircraft in 1/600 scale

18th December 2020 (264 points)
Early war US naval aircraft in 1/600 scale

18th December 2020 (72 points)
A smattering of British, Russian, and Japanese aircraft in 1/600 scale

18th December 2020 (240 points)
40 Finns, all 1/600 scale and all are Tumbling Dice. Gotta love the Finns, hopelessly outnumbered, isolated, and equipped with other nations castoffs, still they made the Bear bleed! Hopefully Bag the Hun fodder!