18th January 2018 (48 points)
Twelve Pict bowmen in 28mm
18th January 2018 (96 points)
12 mounted knights in 28mm (who come in peace with big choppers and heavy spiky balls).
23rd January 2018 (32 points)
Eight elf swordsmen. Don't know why but every time I work on elves I cant help singing (in my head you understand) the Queen classic track, The Fairy Fellers Masterstroke. It's from Queen II....is that their best album, yes I think maybe it is!
29th January 2018 (84 points)
21 x 28mm Elves
10th February 2018 (60 points)
Transported from Middle Earth to Cimmeria to do a few 28mm figures for Conan....this time 15 Bossonian Guards.
17th February 2018 (16 points)
Four friendly dark age types....
17th February 2018 (72 points)
A wild west building in course of construction plus 4 cages (handy in Africa and for storing dinosaur types).
17th February 2018 (24 points)
From Conan, its a Man of Iron (painted in bronze as it looks better!), plus 5 slimey tentacles.
8th March 2018 (3 points)
Seventeen figures from the "West" in 20mm
8th March 2018 (3 points)
26 men from Keemananistan in 20mm
8th March 2018 (19 points)
For my 1/600 aircraft to use with the Battle of Britain board game.
Nineteen flight stands. I cut these from a bit of redundant skirting board (See? Never throw anything away...!!), drilled and added part of the protective sleeves from paintbrushes (ditto!), inserted a magnet in the sleeve and glued another onto the aircraft...and Bob's your proverbial...
22nd March 2018 (32 points)
Four mounted skeletons in 28mm
22nd March 2018 (88 points)
Twenty-two elves in 28mm
22nd March 2018 (48 points)
Two buildings from Keemananistan in 20mm
6th April 2018 (32 points)
in 28mm, here are 8 skeletons from the Conan boardgame

18th April 2018 (24 points)
Six British Napoleonic figures (lovely figures these from the Forager Kickstarter)
18th April 2018 (92 points)
23 figures for Conan
3rd May 2018 (36 points)
In 28mm we have just one building for the Wild West...the bank cos all those saloon girls need somewhere to stash their hard-earned loot....
20th May 2018 (36 points)
(and next pic)
As I Lay Dying and Under the Boardwalk in 28mm
20th May 2018 (18 points)
Tiger I in 28mm
20th May 2018 (36 points)
Two Shermans in 28mm

27th May 2018 (48 points)
Twelve Irish javelinmen in 28mm

12th June 2018 (84 points)
Nine Uruk Hai on foot, and six wargs with their orc riders
12th June 2018 (32 points)
In 28mm we have eight friendly Uruk Hai.
27th June 2018 (32 points)
Eight British Napoleonic Riflemen
27th June 2018 (38 points)
Nine British Napoleonic foot
27th June 2018 (76 points)
1 citizen ("appointments not always necessary, dearie") and a couple of terrain features

17th July 2018 (84 points)
In 28mm...12 British riflemen for Sharp Practice and 6 pieces of fencing handy for riflemen to hide behind.
24th July 2018 (124 points)
Still on the Sharp Practice wagon this time we have (28mm)
1. Eleven French carabiniers
2. Three feet of walling...can never have too many walls!
4th August 2018 (124 points)
(and next two pics)
In 28mm we have 31 foot figures for the Frenchies....line, light, and guard.
4th September 2018 (60 points)
15 leader bases for 28mm Sharp Practice. The red dice show the status level and are bluetacked in so they can be easily adjusted if required but wont fall out accidentally.
4th September 2018 (6 points)
3 mounted crusader knights, in 15mm.
14th September 2018 (32 points)
Eight French foot
14th September 2018 (36 points)
Nine British foot
14th September 2018 (72 points)
Nine British Light Cavalry
21st September 2018 (36 points)
More 28mm infantry for Sharp Practice...being moved straight off the bench to the battlefield tonight! British foot x9.
11th October 2018 (32 points)
In 28mm I've done another 8 British foot. Fed up with Napoleonics now!
11th October 2018 (32 points)
A rush job on 8 x 28mm pilgrims....well they are actually officially called flagellants it seems - oh well, we all need a hobby!
19th October 2018 (32 points)
Eight 28mm British Napoleonic foot...that’s definitely the last of them for a while!

19th October 2018 (52 points)
6 mounted and 1 foot figure from Middle Earth...I should be doing more of them again...

29th October 2018 (80 points)
Not a redcoat in sight as I'm back in Middle Earth in 28mm, with 18 foot elves and 1 mounted Gondorian.
11th November 2018 (80 points)
Still in Middle Earth and 28mm with another 20 stouthearted chaps to face the evil hordes...
21st November 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
A couple of terrain pieces, both oasis, one for 15mm and one for 28mm. Piccie of each attached with a few figures for scale....if I was doing a caption it might be "nice place for a picnic". From personal experience none of the desert oases I've been to in the western desert looks anything like that!
2nd December 2018 (64 points)
28mm Middle Earth: 2 heavy cavalry and 12 foot "characters"
2nd December 2018 (92 points)
28mm Middle Earth: 23 rank and file foot
9th December 2018 (32 points)
In 28mm here's another 8 foot of Rohan

17th December 2018 (48 points)
28mm Haradrim foot from Middle Earth - 12 of them.
17th December 2018 (144 points)
20mm desert buildings and walls - 5 buildings and 8 bits of wall....
17th December 2018 (50 points)
Back to 15mm now for some re-basing of 100 British Napoleonic foot....nice to make progress on this delayed project!
23rd December 2018 (66 points)
(and next pic)
More rebasing of 15mm British Napoleonics:
Infantry x 110
Artillery pieces x 2
Mounted officers x 5
It would be good to get this project completed....nearly there!

31st December 2018 (40 points)
Final entry is some more rebasing, coz it all counts - 28 mm, and 20 dark age odds and ends.