11th January (75 points)
Finished painting and basing the following for various Cold War games including IABNM (I Ain't Been Nuked Mum!) and FFT3 (Fistful of Tows 3).
First up is the US army circa late eighties and early nineties. These are in addition to forces I have already painted and based for each. Want to have plenty on hand for large battles.
22 HMG
14 LMG
15 Individual
8 Stinger
48 Riflemen
6 FO
12 Command
8 Standing FO
8 Dragon
total of 150 figs.

11th January (35 points)
Next is Soviet Union forces
39 Rifle
6 Command
14 Individual (one needed to be reglued to the base..)
total of 70 figs.

11th January (93.5 points)
Cold War UK 6mm figs
As threatened I finished up my 6mm Cold War UK figs today. All the troops I should ever need for fielding the UK. I now have to focus on adding more vehicles since I only have a handful of tanks and APCs for them.
The counts are
87 Riflemen (3 per stand)
13 LMG
8 Anti-Tank (Milan)
23 Command (one stand missing a radio guy who fell on the floor never to be seen again)
13 MTR
8 Stinger
7 FO
36 Individual Riflemen
Total: 187 figures

25th January (102 points)
Sixteen 15mm tanks and six15mm anti-tank guns

25th January (157 points)
A total of 157 15mm Japanese figures

9th February (49 points)
49 15mm Japanese Knee Mortarme

9th February (8 points)
8 x 15mm 70mm infantry guns (need to get crews for the guns!)

7th June (449 points)
22 LMG; 6 HMG; 3 fo; 2 large gun; 4 small gun; 3 mknee mortar; 9 grenade thrower; 12 leader; 21 riflemen; 8 type 95 tank; 4 type 97; 2 truck
UK Desert
5 number scout
Afrika Korps
5 pzjgr1; 5 sdkfz222; 5 sdkfz231 8 rad
France WW2
5 H39
4 trucks; 1 sniper; 1 BAR; 3 bazooka teams; 1 loader
1 soviet ATR WWII
Cold War Russian
3 mortar team; 3 as missile team; 5 sagger team, desert; 4 sagger team Europe; 6 at missile team; 3 mg team; 3 agl team; 7 leader teams; 12 RPG; 4 squad stands;
5 leader; 5 radio men; 3 ft men; 3 engineers; 12 saw men; 43 riflemen

Points With Last Pic
Russia WWII
29 squad stands; 21 heavy squad stands; 17 lmg; 31 mmg/hmg; 45 riflemen; 24 mortar team; 12 ft team; 15 fo; 25 leader

7th June (104 points)
Painted up a bunch of Desert Rats in 6mm, busy busy lately (keeps me from shoving food in my mouth...)
Six 2 man MTR teams; twelve mmg/hmg; twenty-three squad stands (3 men standing); nine heavy squad (2 standing, one with Bren); nine ATR (I think it is an ATR); 41 Individual Riflemen; six Bren; 18 Light MTR (Smoke!); eleven FO; twelve Leader
Total of 208 6mm Figures.

27th June (121 points)
(and next pic)
Latest batch of figures completed.
5 ZSU 23/4
5 Brummbar
4 SturmTiger
5 Elephant
5 PB41 25mm. 2 crew each
3 Puppchen, 2 crew each
8 Shrek teams
2 Shreks
16 Panzerfaust
Total of 24 vehicles, 8 guns (tiny but painting the wheels is a pain!) and 50 men.

12th July (202 points)
(and next three pics)
Finished painting and basing the following yesterday.
15 Honey
18 Squad. (54 figs)
12 Heavy Squad (36 figs)
10 Light Mortar(20 figs)
20 HMG (40 figs)
13 LMG
12 Leaders
18 FO
19 Individual SMG figures
22 Kneeling Riflemen
12 Advancing Riflemen
5 Soviet lmg
4 Soviet mmg
For a total of 25 tanks and 255 Infantry. My hands are tired!

31st December (249 points)
(and next four pics)
2 SU-152; 2 SU-122; 4 2lber portee; 5 T-55 MV; 10 FV 432; 6 CMP carriers for 25 lber; 6 25 lber limbered; 6 25lber unlimbered; 60 individual ultra-modern US (20 3 man squad stands); 34 individual ultra-modern US riflemen in standing and kneeling poses; 5 Individual Ultra-Modern US troops sitting and firing (regular rifles I think); 5 Javelin launchers; 15 Laser Designators; 14 leaders; 24 MG crew (12 2 man teams); 12 Mortar crew and mortar (6 2 man teams); 9 LMG men (SAW I imagine); 10 Snipers with what appears to be Barret 50 cal sniper rifles
WWII (green based infantry)
12 leaders; 12 standing riflemen; 12 grenade throwers (why do companies insist on making so many of these?); 16 SMG armed troops (appears to be Thompson); 12 Kneeling Riflemen
29 Vehicles; 12 Guns; 252 Infantry