29th January 2018 (288 points)
(and next two pics)
36 x Medieval Knights

29th January 2018 (72 points)
18 x 28mm English longbowmen

29th January 2018 (32 points)
4 x 28mm Arab cavalry

29th January 2018 (48 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Prussian fusiliers

10th February 2018 (96 points)
(and next pic)
Here are 24 more 28mm SYW Prussian fusiliers

17th February 2018 (48 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Prussian musketeers

22nd February 2018 (48 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Prussian guard infantry

22nd February 2018 (24 points)
(and next pic)
28mm Edward II and entourage: 2 × mtd and 2 x foot.

Notice the man on foot without the banner is armed with a red-hot poker ready to despatch the king if called upon to do so !

2nd March 2018 (96 points)
(and next two pics)
12 x 28mm SYW French Dragoons

8th March 2018 (48 points)
8 x 15mm Ghaznavid elephants.

6th April 2018 (212 points)
The rest of the Ghaznavid army (8 elephants previously submitted). All 15mm: 100 x foot; 47 x mounted; 3 x elephants.

22nd April 2018 (48 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Prussian musketeers

22nd April 2018 (96 points)
24 x 28mm SYW French fusiliers

4th June 2018 (24 points)
24 x 15mm Napoleonic French inf.

4th June 2018 (48 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Prussian musketeers

4th June 2018 (48 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Prussian fusiliers

20th June 2018 (24 points)
24 x 15mm Napoleonic French infantry

6th July 2018 (160 points)
40 x 28mm ECW pike & shot regt.

16th August 2018 (96 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Prussian Cuirassiers

21st September 2018 (36 points)
9 x dice holders.

21st September 2018 (24 points)
3 x 28mm SYW Prussian brigade leaders

21st September 2018 (24 points)
3 x 28mm SYW French brigade leaders

21st September 2018 (96 points)
94 x 15mm French Nap infantry and 1 x 15mm French mtd colonel

11th October 2018 (64 points)
8 x 28mm SYW French Mousquetaires de la Garde

11th October 2018 (60 points)
Although there are 24 figs in the picture 9 of them are old ones, so only 15 for the scorecard
15 x 28mm SYW Swedes in French service. Royal Suedois Regt.

29th October 2018 (60 points)
15mm La Haye Sainte

21st November 2018 (96 points)
24 x 28mm Early C14th English longbowmen.

21st November 2018 (96 points)
24 x 28mm C14th English armoured spearmen.

9th December 2018 (16 points)
2 x 28mm SYW mounted generals

9th December 2018 (20 points)
(and next pic)
28mm SYW Ftench command vignette, 2 mtd and foot flag bearer

9th December 2018 (36 points)
28mm limber, horse and howitzer with 4 x 28mm SYW Reichsarmee artillerymen (gun shown with the bases in the next pic).

9th December 2018 (12 points)
3 x artillery bases.

9th December 2018 (4 points)
28mm Sniper

31st December 2018 (96 points)
12 x 28mm SYW Schaumburg-Lippe Carabiniers