18th January (36 points)
Six 15mm Soviet tanks

18th January (31 points)
15mm Soviet platoon of 31 infantry

18th January (14 points)
15mm Soviet Rota HQ and mortar team: 14 figures

18th January (72 points)
Five 15mm Dark Ages buildings plus palisade

18th January (26 points)
15mm British Para's: HMG section, sniper team, 2 Jeeps, a 6pdr with crew and a jump of point. Three vehicles, fourteen infantry.

18th January (38 points)
15mm British Para Platoon: 38 figures

18th January (14 points)
Eight 15mm British Para casualty markers and an ANH1 truck

20th January (27 points)
15mm Soviet platoon: 27 infantry. Mostly PSC, with one PP and one from Battlefront
24th January (47 points)
Today we have the Soviet anti tank Vzvod and the start of the anti tank Rota arriving at the front line, nearly all PSC except for a BF and PP figure in the command group. So 23 men + 4 guns, all 15 mm.

26th January (27 points)
The second 15mm Soviet platoon: 27 infantry.

1st February (30 points)
The 15mm Strelkovy Rota continues to build up with the addition of two new Battalion supports: two MG Vzvods, both fifteen men strong with the usual mixture of PSC, PP and BF figures

1st February (18 points)
A full 15mm Antitank Rifle Otdyelyeniye of eighteen men: PSC and PP minis

7th February (27 points)
Soviet Regimental Support ; SMG Vzvod of 27 15mm PSC + a few BF

7th February (19 points)
Nineteen 15mm British Indian Infantry bound for North Africa

19th February (27 points)
15mm Soviet Engineer Vzvod, 27 figures.

19th February (20 points)
15mm British Indian Infantry, 20 figures

19th February (47 points)
15mm Soviet Infantry Gun Vzvod, 23 figures + 4 guns

23rd February (12 points)
Eight 15mm casualty markers and two sniper teams

23rd February (44 points)
The last 4 guns to complete the anti tank gun Rota so 20 crew + 4 guns. 15mm.

28th February (38 points)
Thirty-eight 15mm British Indian Infantry, all Peter Pig

28th February (10 points)
All 15mm PP British Paras: 2 x 3-man engineer teams, a couple of jump off markers and an FOB. Nine blokes and a point for the markers!

1st March (12 points)
A Dark Age watch tower for Dux from those very nice people at Warbases who kindly shrank it down to 15mm for me

18th March (12 points)
Twelve 15mm Resistance fighters from Peter Pig

18th March (51 points)
Three 15mm British Indian carriers; two Boys ATR teams; three MMG teams

31st March (46 points)
Forty-six 15mm PP British for North Africa

21st June (16 points)
Sixteen 15mm Scottish Infantry for North Africa

21st June (24 points)
Forty-eight 6mm Zulu infantry

19th July (18 points)
Two 15mm Quad tractors and a Matilda

19th July (19 points)
Nineteen 15mm Scots for North Africa

19th July (16 points)
Two 25pds + 10 crew. 15mm

19th July (14 points)
Two 2pdrs + 8 crew. 15mm

19th July (16 points)
Sixteen 15mm Kiwi drivers and crew.

22nd July (12 points)
Two 15mm Matildas from Zvezda

31st July (12 points)
An AIM Horsa Glider in 15mm, its been waiting for decals for about 5 months

31st July (23 points)
Twenty-three 15mm Peter Pig British infantry, North Africa

31st July (16 points)
Eight casualty markers, seven infantry and an FO. 15mm.

8th August (43 points)
Finally we have some 15mm Italians for North Africa: forty-three Lybian Fucilieri by Battlefront, so so figures without enough variety that took forever to prep.

23rd August (40 points)
A 28mm Veer Myn Dreadball team, took ages and I admit I got bored + they were hell to prep

23rd August (12 points)
A Flampanzer & SdKfz 222, both Zvezda 15mm

23rd August (29 points)
A 15mm Peter Pig CV33, and two 47/32 Italian AT guns with eleven crew

13th September (18 points)
Eighteen 15mm Peter Pig Italians

13th September (20 points)
Two 15mm Battlefront 25pdrs with crew

13th September (30 points)
Two Sdkfz 8 rads and four Sdkfz10s, all Battlefront 15mm

13th September (12 points)
Twelve 15mm Blue Moon Woodland Indians

21st September (12 points)
Twelve 15mm Blue Moon FIW British Infantry, 43rd Rg

21st September (19 points)
Nineteen 15mm Blue Moon FIW Woodland Indians

4th October (12 points)
12 Bluemoon 15/18mm 44th Regiment of Foot (Abercromby)

4th October (16 points)
16 Bluemoon 15/18mm Compagnies Franches de la Marine

4th October (12 points)
12 15/18mm Blue moon FIW British Infantry 48th Rgt

4th October (10 points)
10 15/18mm Blue moon FIW British Grenadiers 1st Rgt Afoot