8th January 2019 (20 points)
5 fantasy/medieval fighters, 28mm multipart Frostgrave miniatures by Northstar.

8th January 2019 (12 points)
15mm ACW barn by Peter Pig (artillery piece just to show scale)

8th January 2019 (30 points)
15 SYW Prussian hussars. 15mm figs by Freikorps.

20th January 2019 (20 points)
28mm fighters. Plastic Frostgrave figures .

20th January 2019 (30 points)
15 X 15mm SYW Prussian dragoons. Friekorps figures

20th January 2019 (24 points)
24 X 15mm SYW Prussian infantry. Freikorps figures

3rd February 2019 (26 points)
More Prussian 15mm Seven Years War stuff, in this case a battery of guns (2 cannon, 8 gunners, 2 drivers, 4 horses, 2 limbers and a mounted officer). Figures from Freikorps.

3rd February 2019 (36 points)
Nine 28mm Wars of the Roses bows and bills, picked up at the recent Penkridge wargames bring and buy sale for the bargain price of 50p each. I've already got about 300 late mediaeval figures in 1/72, about 250 in 28mm and around 1500 or so in 15mm, so a few more can't hurt...can they??

16th February 2019 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Two battalions of Seven Years War Prussian fusiliers. All 15mm Freikorps figures as usual, 48 figures in total.

24th February 2019 (30 points)
(and next pic)
More Seven Years War stuff (not quite ready to fight at 1:1 yet but over 300 figures now!). A Prussian amalgamated militia hussar regiment, hence the 3 different uniforms. Fifteen 15mm figures by Freikorps.

24th February 2019 (12 points)
(and next pic)
3 X 28mm Wars of the Roses figures by Grenadier (the archers) and Foundry (bloke with the axe)

3rd March 2019 (26 points)
Yet more 15mm Seven Years War stuff as usual, in this case a howitzer battery. Two guns, two limbers, 4 horses, 8 gunners, 2 drivers and a mounted officer to keep an eye on things. All figs from Freikorps.

3rd March 2019 (24 points)
A couple of home-made hills, both based on old cd's. (Feels quite good to actually use old government national curriculum training materials in a useful way!) Figures on hills to show size, they aren't part of the challenge.

15th March 2019 (12 points)
Three 28mm Wars of the Roses figures (Grenadier figures)

15th March 2019 (36 points)
Three pieces of home made swampy ground/small ponds. 15mm German Kubelwagens to show size.

15th March 2019 (30 points)
15 X 15mm SYW Prussian cuirassier ( Freikorps figures)

24th March 2019 (36 points)
A battalion of SYW Prussian grenadiers (24 X 15m Freikorps figures) and half a dozen 15mm hussars.

24th March 2019 (8 points)
Two 28mm WoTR types (Grenadier figures)

1st April 2019 (28 points)
7 X 28mm British Seven Years War infantry for a forthcoming French and Indian War game I've been invited to.

1st April 2019 (24 points)
12 X 1/72 medieval infantry (found the sprue of figs in a drawer so thought I'd paint them!)

1st April 2019 (18 points)
9 X 15mm Seven Years War Prussian cavalry in 15mm

13th April 2019 (49 points)
(and next pic)
All 15mm SYW as usual (although I have just undercoated some Thirty Years War figures......!)
One battalion of Prussian grenadiers, 24 men including one mounted officer and one Prussian Frei battalion of 24 men. All Freikorps figures as normal.

5th May 2019 (4 points)
Four more Thirty Years War figures: a masked swordsman, a chap pointing and an executioner and victim (Blue Moon figures.)

5th May 2019 (2 points)
It's back to the Seven Years War with 2 Prussian Jagers (Freikorps figures)

5th May 2019 (18 points)
Some building work in the form of a card and foam board fortified tower house in the Scottish style (1/72 from a printed kit)

5th May 2019 (20 points)
20 AWI British infantry (Peter Pig)

19th May 2019 (24 points)
24 X AWI 15mm continental infantry

19th May 2019 (8 points)
16 X 15mm rebased Hessian skirmish troops. All my AWI skirmishers are being rebased individually.

19th May 2019 (2 points)
4 X 15mm rebased Scottish skirmish types.

16th June 2019 (36 points)
(and next pic)
AWI militia in 15mm

16th June 2019 (54 points)
AWI Hessians in 15mm

30th June 2019 (25 points)
(and next pic)
18 X 15mm AWI infantry and 7 rebased mounted militia (and 1 foot figure!) with a movement tray.

14th July 2019 (16 points)
A couple of AWI generals and 12 Continental infantry on Warbases movement trays. All figs 15mm Peter Pig as usual.

14th July 2019 (24 points)
12 X 15mm ACW Union cavalry, purchased unpainted from a bring and buy for the enormous price £2 for 24 figures! Bargain!

27th July 2019 (48 points)
12 X 28mm Norman infantry (Conquest Miniatures.) I picked up a box at a local antiques/flea market. This lot have already found a new home on ebay!

27th July 2019 (48 points)
Two 24 figure strong battalions of 15mm Seven Years War Prussian musketeers. These are actually Peter Pig AWI Hessians masquerading as Prussians as I need to get a Freikorps order in! They'll join my AWI armies once I get some actual Prussians sorted!

4th August 2019 (36 points)
18 X 15mm SYW Prussian dragoons (Freikorps figures as usual)

4th August 2019 (10 points)
10 X 25mm fantasy archers and crossbows. Found then in the plastic and lead mountain, they've been an ideal test bed for my new citadel contrast paints, which worked a treat!

4th August 2019 (28 points)
7 X 28mm Seven Years War British infantry. I painted another seven of these earlier this year. The new and old got used in a game and now I'm not sure which are the latest ones! I've picked out the most likely candidates but I've included a picture of all 14 so you know I'm not cheating!!

17th August 2019 (20 points)
5 X 25mm fantasy longbows.

17th August 2019 (32 points)
4 X 25mm goblins on wolves.

17th August 2019 (24 points)
6 X 28mm French and Indian Wars figures, namely some backwoods militia types.

17th August 2019 (9 points)
The last of my 15mm Prussian army (famous last words, no wargames army is ever truly finished!) In this case 2 mounted generals, one foot general, one ADC with horse, a grenadier and 2 jager.

31st August 2019 (72 points)
6 pieces of home made rough ground terrain markers based on old cd's. (15mm ACW skirmisher figures to give some idea of size, not newly painted!)

31st August 2019 (76 points)
(and next four pics)
The start of a new Italian Wars army in 15mm, based for Impetus rules. I've only got 2000 or so late mediaeval/early Renaissance figures so my collection is clearly short! In total there are 24 mounted and 28 foot figures, all Venexia figures from Lancashire Games.

15th September 2019 (20 points)
Next 8 mounted men at arms by Venexia figures (not entirely sure about the flag but it's the first vaguely suitable flag I found in my stash!) Accompanied by a three figure command base. 1 mounted general and two lackeys. Alternative armies, Freikorps and Venexia (I think!)

15th September 2019 (62 points)
More Lansknechts. Three 16 figure pike blocks, 4 crossbows, 4 arquebusiers and 6 blokes with big swords! Venexia, Alternative Armies and Essex miniatures.

15th September 2019 (12 points)
More arquebusiers, 8 close order and 4 open order. Venexia miniatures again.

15th September 2019 (8 points)
8 crossbows. Essex, Museum and Alternative armies figures.

28th September 2019 (8 points)
A pair of 28mm dungeon doors for a friend's D&D set up, the two 28mm figures are to show scale.

28th September 2019 (44 points)
(and next pic)
More 15mm Italian Wars figures. Eight men at arms, 16 pike and 12 arquebusiers. All by Venexia figures.

10th October 2019 (30 points)
First up my 15mm Italian Wars army is finished (for now!) The final figures painted are a 16 figure pike block, 4 mounted crossbows and a heavy cannon with 3 crew and 2 casualty figures.

10th October 2019 (32 points)
Another 8 x 28mm French and Indian Wars figures, in this case the Warlord Games armed settlers pack.

10th October 2019 (24 points)
24 x 15mm ACW Confederate infantry figures. A nice change from painting all those Lansknechts!

21st October 2019 (36 points)
15mm Austrian Seven Years War army.
36 X 15mm Grenze infantry. All 15mm Freikorps figures.

21st October 2019 (36 points)
15mm Austrian Seven Years War army.
18 Hussars. All 15mm Freikorps figures.

8th November 2019 (52 points)
15mm SYW Austrians by Freikorps figures.
A 24 strong infantry battalion (not printed the flags yet!), a two gun artillery battery with 1 mounted commander, 2 cannons, 2 limbers, 4 horses, 2 drivers and 8 gunners and finally 2 mounted generals.

19th November 2019 (72 points)
3 X 24 figure battalions of Austrian infantry all 15mm Freikorps figures.

19th November 2019 (36 points)
18 x 15mm Austrian dragoons, again Freikorps figures.

19th November 2019 (10 points)
A 28mm Eagle figures SYW musketeer acquired as a free sample. This chap has been staring at me from my book shelf for three years. I've finally given him a coat of paint and a base! Also three 15mm minifigs SYW hussars found languishing in a box in the loft. A rebase, a touch of paint, army painter wash and now they're in service in my Prussian army as a Freikorps hussar squadron.

1st December 2019 (26 points)
A battery of Austrian SYW artillery. I've included a photo of both my batteries. They were used in a recent game and I can't tell which is the new one! Anyway it's 2 guns, 8 gunners, 2 drivers, 4 horses, 2 limbers and a mounted officer to keep things in order. All Freikorps 15's.

1st December 2019 (36 points)
A regiment of dragoons, the first of my Reichsarmee contingent to fight with the Austrians, 18 mounted troops (Freikorps 15's).

1st December 2019 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Two ACW regiments, painted because I was fed up with The Seven Years War! One Union, one Confederate regiment, both are 24 figures strong, Peter Pig figures.

1st December 2019 (12 points)
A 15mm MDF bridge by Warbases. The two 15mm mounted officers are to show size only.

14th December 2019 (24 points)
Another 24 figure 15mm ACW Confederate battalion, Peter Pig figures.

14th December 2019 (11 points)
21 trees all rebased on 2p pieces

14th December 2019 (96 points)
(and next four pics)
I have created an entire village! Total Battle Miniatures buildings and scenic base. These are sold as 10mm but fit perfectly with my Freikorps SYW figures.

22nd December 2019 (40 points)
40 X 15mm ACW walking gun crews, 24 Union and 16 Confederate figures. Not necessary for any game but it looks good when batteries are moving! All figures by Peter Pig

22nd December 2019 (24 points)
A 24 X 15mm SYW Reichsarmee battalion to keep my Austrians company, Freikorps 15's as usual.

28th December 2019 (36 points)
15mm ACW Union artillery.
2 guns, 2 limbers, 2 caissons, 8 horses, 10 gunners (4 per gun plus 1 each for the caissons), 4 horse riders and 6 blokes riding the limbers.