4th February 2017 (144 points)
Four buildings from Charlie Foxtrot's Pantiles range

25th February 2017 (116 points)
(and next four pics)
All 10mm stuff for my Battle of France British and Germans.
19 x 10mm British Cruiser and Light tanks; 3 x 15 cm sIG 33 (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf Bs; 4 x 75mm Infantry Guns ; 2 x 88s ; 4 x Horch Kfz 70s; 2 x Sdkfz 7s; 2 x spotter stands.

18th March 2017 (57 points)
115 x 10mm French Infantry

4th June 2017 (36 points)
9 x 25mm Spirit Hosts for Dragon Rampant (28mm monsters)

4th June 2017 (72 points)
(and next two pics)
Bases and gardens for three 28mm buildings

4th June 2017 (21 points)
42 x 10mm infantry for French 1940 project

4th June 2017 (18 points)
6 x 10mm tanks (Renault R35s)

4th June 2017 (104 points)
(and next two pics)
100 x 6mm Infantry (German MMGs, Panzerschrek crews, Pak 40s. British 6pdr, Infantry Platoon )
18 x 6mm vehicles (Carriers, 15cwt trucks and Bedford 3 tonners; SdKfx 11s)

6th July 2017 (16 points)
32 WW2 French infantry in 10mm

6th July 2017 (38 points)
77 WW2 French Infantry (normal and Chasseurs Portes) in 10mm

6th July 2017 (18 points)
Six French Hotchkiss tanks in 10mm

6th July 2017 (18 points)
Six French Char B1 tanks in 10mm

6th July 2017 (18 points)
Six French Somua tanks in 10mm

6th July 2017 (25 points)
50 x 6mm British Engineers

6th July 2017 (44 points)
52 x 6mm German Infantry and 6 x 6mm Halftracks

6th July 2017 (36 points)
Spanish Church in 28mm

15th July 2017 (169 points)
(and next pic)
A five day blitz on 6mm stuff for IABSM in Normandy 1944. All Ros Heroics.
62 x 6mm infantry (all gun crew): 3 x Pak 38s; 2 x 88s; 2 x Infantry Guns; 4 x 17pdrs; and 1 x 6pdr.
46 x 6mm vehicles: British - 4 x 6mm Achilles; 4 x 6mm Quads; 5 x 6mm Loyd Carriers; 12 x Universal Carriers; 2 x Jeeps; Germans - 4 x 6mm SdKfz 231s; 7 x 6mm Halftracks; 8 x 6mm Opel Blitz.

25th July 2017 (124 points)
I need to buy some more, but that's me finished with Mutineers for the moment: 31 x 28mm figures.

18th August 2017 (12 points)
3 x 28mm Mutineer Miniatures means I've finished off my starter force for Sharp Practice.

18th August 2017 (40 points)
80 x 10mm Dragons Portés infantry finishes off a company, though I still need to buy their transport.

18th August 2017 (90 points)
30 x 6mm vehicles gives me a British Armoured Car Squadron for my Normandy '44 IABSM fforces.

12th September 2017 (63 points)
Finished off my latest batch of 6mm for IABSM: the Germans get a load of SdKfz 50s and two Stugs

12th September 2017 (12 points)
Some FlaK!

12th September 2017 (66 points)
More Recce for my British, including 6 x Stuarts converted to Stuart Jalopies with 50cals and crews. Also some carriers converted to MG carriers.

29th September 2017 (18 points)
3 x 15mm vehicles (2 x SdKfz 234s and an SdKfz 222)

29th September 2017 (30 points)
Rebasing 24 x 6mm Infantry & 12 x AFVs for use in Operation Compass.

14th October 2017 (87 points)
Had my first game of AK47 Republic in about fourteen years last Sunday. Decided to rebase all my forces and have managed to do 175 15mm figures so far.

14th October 2017 (24 points)
Two terrain squares for my 6mm IABSM Normandy project. The houses are 3D printed, the trees come from China, everything else is scratchbuilt.

19th October 2017 (122 points)
Work continues on the AK47 update: 243 15mm figures rebased this week.

29th October 2017 (30 points)
5 x 15mm tanks (T34s)

7th November 2017 (30 points)
5 x 15mm T55s.

7th November 2017 (102 points)
(and next pic)
37 pieces of rocky scatter scenery and 14 templates to put them on.

3rd December 2017 (6 points)
6 x 15mm vehicle gunner figures for AK47 Republic

3rd December 2017 (36 points)

3rd December 2017 (48 points)
(and next two pics)
Three 28mm warbands from the GW Shadespire range: Steelheart's Champions, Ironskull's Boyz, and Garrek's Reavers.

22nd December 2017 (24 points)
I seem to have gone all Mad Max. 2 x 20mm vehicles to be used for the new Gasland Rules from Osprey.

31st December 2017 (48 points)
Still stuck in the Mad Max wastelands with 4 x 20mm Land Vehicles