17th January (36 points)
Finished some items for the game I'm running at Siege of Augusta Con this coming Saturday: one 1/76 Matchbox M3 Stuart modified for Aussies (that gives me 2); ten dead 20mm Japanese; two ESCI Japanese with lunge mines.

19th January (25 points)
Back to work on some stuff for IABSM
From Shapeways:
40) 6mm telephone poles
2) Sdkfz 8 HT with 88mm and 5 crew figures each (see next pic)
2) GHQ Marder IIs with 2 crew figures each
So 4 AFVs and 14 little guys

Two 6mm Selbstafahrlafetten or 8.8 cm Flak (sfl) auf Zugkraftwagen12t. (Sdkfz 8)
(Its an 88 stuck on the back half of the Sdkfz8 halftrack) made by Shapeways. I added the crew to the model.

25th January (54 points)
Still on a 6mm roll
Finished eight 6mm Shapeways Yak 3s and one Raiden Bf109G
Total of nine 6mm aircraft

25th January (42 points)
I finished the 1/72 Italeri Japanese gun pack: fourteen figures and two 70mm inf guns; and five metal 20mm gunners from misc manufacturers

31st January (36 points)
18 x 20mm WWII minis
includes 6) ragged Japs and 6) LMG and mortar teams figures
and 6) Gurhkas converted to Aussie 2"mortar and misc crew figures.

31st January (30 points)
In 6mm 5) GHQ Kangaroo models with some tiny dudes in the hull and 5) Daimler A/C. Total of 10) 6mm vehicles

9th February (64 points)
About 70" of trees to line roads in 1/300 That's around 64 one to two inch trees.

28th February (125 points)
Finally got some more 6mm stuff finished.
106) Fallschirmjaegers from Adler and GHQ
4) Panther Ds (GHQ)
6) Panther As (GHQ)
8) Panther Gs (CinC)
6) Sdkfz 250s (GHQ)
Total of 24 AFVs

16th March (140 points)
Just finished a nice load of 20mm Australian militia for CoC
70 of the Lancer Eighth Army and Aussies

22nd March (30 points)
Got some of Dom's decals in so I was able to finish off some more VVS planes. All 6mm aircraft--2) Yak 9s and 4) La5 razorbacks from GHQ..
6th April (38 points)
19 more 20mm Japanese mini painted up as SNLF types.

18th April (24 points)
Two 20mm-1/76 Type 95 Ha Gos from Precise for my SNLF troops

18th April (31 points)
Pimping out some twenty-one 6mm M4s and Shermans for IABSM

6th May (264 points)
More stuff for the jungles and 20mm CoC games: I put together about 54 X 2 inches of jungle edging terrain; and around 80 to 90 trees from 1 inch to 6 inches in height and undergrowth. Also 36 banana trees from Pegasus on four 4X4 inch bases.

6th May (36 points)
Six "Nates" in 6mm from Museum Miniatures

12th May (24 points)
The Airfix Jungle Outpost

21st May (96 points)
More mid war Luftwaffe from Museum Miniatures 6mm line: eight Bf109G and eight Fw190 for a total of sixteen 1/285 planes

7th June (84 points)
Finished up a horde of little planes in 6mm for the Russian Front:
6) JU88s that have been half done for over a year
4) Me210s in Hungarian markings
4) La 5 nf in mid war green and black

27th June (48 points)
Still working on the 6mm Russian Front air force: two La5nf; two Bf109Gs; four Yak 1s early (three pictured) for a total of 8 planes.

16th July (96 points)
Got another bunch of Russian Front planes done for Kursk
Six Yak 1 bubble tops
Six Yak 7 - converted from Yak 1s just lengthened the canopy
The Yaks are Scotia models
and four Hurricane IICs that got rearmed with the Soviet 20mm and 12.7mm I think these were CinCs

30th July (18 points)
Four 6" sections of barbed wire for CoC in 20mm

30th July (48 points)
Finished six 6mm Scotia lend lease A20 Bostons for Kursk air games and, speaking of Kursk, I attach a couple of pics from Saturday's Kursk game. They are the four GHQ Panthers that I added side skirts to and painted up for Kursk gaming.

15th August (24 points)
I just finished up a couple of Early War Miniature ATGs
Two Japanese 37mm ATGs with 4 crew each.

22nd August (36 points)
Just finished up a mess of 20mm log and earth entrenchments for my Pacific CoC stuff. 36 Inches worth in various sizes from 1 and 1/2 inch up to 5 inches. Also includes two designed for MMG, ATGs or Inf guns and two 6"ones for infantry to get behind.

12th September (72 points)
(and next pic)
Made some veggie patches that got into a Sharp Practice game last week. Also finished twelve more Woodland Scenics trees. I made 3 of them damaged.

29th September (33 points)
All 1/285
4) Shapeways Marder II Sdkfz 132 with crew added
1) GHQ Sdkfz 234/1
3) GHQ Sdkfz 222
3) GHQ Sdkfz 250 I added a 28mm atg to one along with crew
Total of 11 AFV

12th October (138 points)
(and next pic)
Finally finished some 20mm stuff for SW Pacific: thirty Lancer 8th Army minis including casualties painted as Aussie militia types; and fourteen A&B Brit Engineers and 'Tommies Digging in' converted to the Aussie flop hats
and, because they were there: five GHQ T28s in 1/285

24th October (93 points)
Batch of 6mm stuff:
3) Pzl 24s from Shapeways for Greek WWII
4) La7s from Shapeways for V-VS WWII
6) Scotia A-20s for RAAF
5) SdKfz 221 mit 28mm ATG from GHQ
Total of 13 planes and 5 vehicles in 6mm

31st October (24 points)
Finally finished up some Tanks for the Aussies: two old Airfix Matildas. Added some goodies to make them look more suitable for SW Pacific.

31st October (18 points)
One EWM 75 mm field gun for the Japanese with 5 crew
One Japanese flamethrower; one NCO with SMG; one SR looking leader-all from EWM

17th November (66 points)
Five F4F Wildcats and six A6M2 Rufes: a total of 11 6mm planes.

16th December (150 points)
(and next pic)
Twenty-five 6mm 'planes:
2) A6M2 Rufes (MSD)
2) KI43 Oscars (MSD)
2) RAAF Hudsons (Colectair)
2) MB152 for the Greeks (Collectair)
3) P38 converted to P38f/g (Colectair)
4) P38J(GHQ)
4) P40Es for the RAAF (Raiden)
4) P40Fs (Raiden)
2) P39s (GHQ)