13th April 2019 (20 points)
28mm 19th century rioters, all metal, from Perry Miniatures. Will do nicely as background and possibly NPCs in Victorian Gothic games.
Ex Sailors

13th April 2019 (28 points)
28mm 19th century rioters, all metal, from Perry Miniatures. Will do nicely as background and possibly NPCs in Victorian Gothic games.
Female and young rioters

13th April 2019 (24 points)
28mm 19th century rioters, all metal, from Perry Miniatures. Will do nicely as background and possibly NPCs in Victorian Gothic games.
Rioters with bricks and stones

13th April 2019 (24 points)
28mm 19th century rioters, all metal, from Perry Miniatures. Will do nicely as background and possibly NPCs in Victorian Gothic games.
Rioters with firearms

25th April 2019 (24 points)
Portuguese Cazadores. 28mm metal from Stand to Games for Forager.
(Before anyone wonders why they have the Belgic shako, they initially wore the barretina, which was similar).

25th April 2019 (28 points)
Spanish Guerilla. 28mm metal. 6 of them from Stand to Games for Forager.
3rd from left is Comandante Moreno from Bad Squiddo.

25th April 2019 (92 points)
Sohei Monks. 14 No. (2 sets) 28mm metal from Warlord Games for Test of Honour. Test of Honour has reverted to the writers who are about to launch v2, see testofhonour.com. However, Warlord still have the rights to the figures apart from the Seven Ronin set. Tori Gate - Sarissa.

5th May 2019 (28 points)
7 No. 28mm metal "Seven Ronin" from a certain film. From Warlord but the rights on these figures are with Grey for now Games .

5th May 2019 (32 points)
8 No. 28mm metal Onna-Bugeisha figures. Seven from Warlord Games and "Kimiko" from West Wind.

5th May 2019 (8 points)
Raging Annie and Fenrir. 28mm metal from Bad Squiddo.

5th May 2019 (24 points)
3 No. 28mm metal giant bats from Reaper (via Bad Squiddo) and 2 No. 28mm metal Seers from Bad Squiddo. (Not sure why I got two but they're nice figures.) and Fenrir again.

5th May 2019 (56 points)
14 No. Giant Rats. Scary if paired with 28mm figures, imagine them in a 6mm game! Midlam Miniatures, originally a Kickstarter, now on their website.

19th May 2019 (44 points)
11 AWI Militia in fringed hunting shirts etc. 28mm plastic Warlord Games.

19th May 2019 (44 points)
11 No. Militia in long coats, 28mm plastic Warlord Games.

19th May 2019 (28 points)
7 Rangers, 28mm plastic Warlord Games.

14th July 2019 (232 points)
AWI Militia, 28mm Warlord Games plastic. 5 units of 6 plus support. 58 figures.

4th August 2019 (12 points)
Japanese Taiko Drummer, drum and Conch Shell blower. AW Miniatures 28mm. I think it's reasonable to count the drum as a figure, 3 figures.

4th August 2019 (12 points)
Japanese palanquin with two bearers and lady. AW Miniatures 28mm, 3 figures.

4th August 2019 (16 points)
Napoleonic medical scene. Elite Wargames and Models 28mm, 4 figures.